Tag "élelmiszerárak"

GFM: the online price monitor effectively helps reduce food prices

In addition to the professional support of the Ministry of Economic Development (GFM), the Economic Competition Office (GVH) launched the online price monitoring system on July 1, 2023. Based on...

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MNB: food prices reduced July inflation

In July, the decline in inflation intensified, inflation slowed by 2.5 percentage points compared to the previous month, annual core inflation decreased significantly by 3.3 percentage points, the Magyar Nemzeti...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 17.6 percent on average in July, and food prices decreased by 0.9 percent on average

In July, consumer prices increased by 17.6 percent on average compared to the same month of the previous year, and food prices decreased by an average of 0.9 percent compared...

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Inflation continued to slow down in Italy

In Italy, consumer prices rose by 6.0 percent year-on-year in July, after a 6.4 percent rise in June, the Italian statistical office, Istat, announced on Monday as preliminary data. The...

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K&H: faint optimism on the inflation stage

The number of middle-aged people who have not experienced a significant increase in the price of food is negligible – it is clear from the second quarter of K&H’s secure...

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Food prices rose by 11.0 percent in Germany

In July, inflation eased in line with expectations in Germany based on preliminary data from the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis. In July, according to experts’ expectations, the consumer price...

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Food prices also rose the most among the British

Annual inflation in Great Britain fell much more than expected, below 8 percent last month, primarily due to a significant drop in fuel prices and a slowdown in food price...

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The prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages increased the most among Poles, by 17.8 percent

In Poland, the annual rate of inflation moderated in June, and stagnation was recorded on a monthly basis, according to the final data presented by the statistical office on Friday....

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Food prices increased the most in Romania, but inflation moderated

In Romania, inflation continued to slow by a few tenths of a percent in June: according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on Thursday, consumer prices...

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The increase in food prices decreased from 14.3 percent to 13.7 percent in France

The French statistical office, Insee, announced on Thursday as final data that annual inflation slowed to 4.5 percent in June, from 5.1 percent in May, to the lowest level since...

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Inflation decreased to 20.1%

As expected, inflation decreased to 20.1% in June from 21.5% in April, which was contributed by almost all factors except the prices of clothing, other items, fuel and service providers....

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GFM: the mandatory promotions work and have had an effect

In order to reduce the increased food prices, on June 1, 2023, mandatory sales in retail stores began; the measure works well and has had its effect, the store chains...

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The new waste fee system announced by the government may cause a price increase of up to 5% in food

The Hungarian Corrugated Products Manufacturers Association (MAHUSZ), which brings together manufacturers, welcomes the fact that the government wants to comply with the waste management directives prescribed by the European Union,...

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Belgian Government Orders Food Industry To Lower Supermarket Prices

The Belgian Federal Minister for the Economy, Pierre-Yves Dermagne, has given a mid-July deadline for food producers to bring down supermarket food prices. “It is not acceptable that when prices...

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Food prices continue to rise due to the EPR

Food prices could increase by up to 4 percent due to the introduction of extended producer responsibility and the new industry burden for packaging materials. Starting from July 1st, in...

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300 new products will be significantly cheaper at Tesco

On June 16, more than 300 new products will be hit by Tesco’s yellow arrow, which indicates the reduced selection. The department store chain has redesigned its discount product list...

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Food prices continue to be the main driver of inflation in Germany

In Germany, inflation continued to slow down in May, according to the final data of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) presented on Tuesday. Consumer prices increased by 6.1 percent year-on-year...

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Inflation in Spain fell to a 22-month low in May

The annual growth rate of consumer prices in Spain slowed to a 22-month low of 3.2 percent in May from 4.1 percent in the previous month, according to the final...

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What causes food price increases and how long will they last? György Raskó speaks

The continuous rise in food prices is a global phenomenon that has been causing concern among consumers for more than a year. But how long will this process continue? Haszon.hu...

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The measure of world food prices rose in April for first time in a year

The benchmark index of international food commodity prices rose in April for the first time in a year, amid increases in world quotations for sugar, meat and rice, the Food...

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KSH: industrial production fell by 4.1 percent in March

In March, the volume of industrial production was 4.1 percent lower than a year earlier. Adjusted for the working day effect, production decreased by 4.0 percent – the Central Statistics...

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OTP: when shopping for food, seven out of ten prefer to leave out or reduce certain foods

76 percent of the population between the ages of 18 and 70 saw their spending increase significantly, and 19 percent slightly, while only 4 percent believe that there was no...

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In Romania, inflation slowed to 11.2 percent in April

Annual inflation in Romania slowed down by more than three percentage points to 11.2 percent in April, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Friday. In March, Romanian inflation...

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The GVH formulated six proposals in order to reduce the price of durable foods

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) concluded its accelerated sectoral investigation on the durable food market, and on the basis of this, it formulated six proposals that can contribute to more...

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GFM: The online price monitoring system will start on July 1

The online price monitoring system will start on July 1 – the Ministry of Economic Development (GFM) informed MTI on Monday. In its statement, the department said that due to...

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FAO: The measure of world food prices rose in April for first time in a year

FAO Food Price Index increases, amid higher international quotations for sugar, meat and rice, while prices for wheat, maize, dairy products and vegetable oils decline The benchmark index of international...

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In April, inflation accelerated more than expected in Italy

In Italy, instead of the 8.2 percent expected by analysts, consumer prices rose by 8.3 percent year-on-year in April, after a 7.6 percent increase in March, the Italian statistics office,...

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Food price inflation didn’t slow down in February yet

Data by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reveals that consumer prices were 25.4% higher in February 2023 than a year earlier. Compared with January 2023, prices augmented by 0.8%. In...

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The price caps will remain in place until June 30, and the price policies of the large food chains are being monitored

The government has extended the price caps until June 30 – announced the minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office on Thursday in Budapest, on the Government Information. Gergely...

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According to analysts, the price of food will already drop by the summer

According to Csaba Héjja, senior analyst from MKB Bank and Takarékbank, the peak of agricultural producer prices is expected to occur in the summer, while for animal products, the peak...

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