Tag "deviza"

Tax payment in foreign currency: a decision must be made within a few days

As of September 30, 2022, companies will have the first opportunity to pay their corporate tax obligations in euros or US dollars from the next tax year. The intention to...

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An important deadline is approaching for taxpayers wishing to pay corporate tax in foreign currency

As it was announced at the end of summer / beginning of autumn on August 9, or published in the Magyar Közlönyök on September 26, taxpayers had the opportunity to...

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Paying the wages in euros: in what cases is it possible?

Due to the unpredictable changes in the forint exchange rate, the question may arise more and more often for employers as to how the purchase value of the wages to...

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Forint strengthened on Monday

On Monday, the forint strengthened against the main currencies, while against the euro it only strengthened by 0.1 percent, and against the dollar and the Swiss franc both by 0.8...

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