Tag "Csányi Pincészet"

Csányi Winery enters a new era

Csányi Pincészet, the largest winery in the Villány wine region with traditions dating back centuries, is opening an exciting new chapter in the domestic wine industry. In July, they will...

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Good wines, depressing aftertastes!

Nehéz gazdasági helyzet, az értékesítésben nem érvényesíthető költségnövekedés, csökkenő fogyasztás nehezíti a hazai borászok munkáját, az időjárás pedig idén a korai szüretelésű fajtáknak kedvezett – tudtuk meg beszélgetőpartnereinktől. Kérdeztük őket...

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It is time to act

According to Ákos Kamocsay, the quality of wines is improving year after year, but their profitability is in a negative trend, so the sector is facing serious problems. The average...

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Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 2)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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Magazine: Winemaking is about adapting to the conditions

Réka Molnár, product manager of Törley Kft. told our magazine that the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic was smaller on wines than on other categories. Regular wine buyers didn’t...

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We are looking for innovations in the wine market as well

Wine culture is flourishing, but it is also a fact that the wine market is accelerating during the holidays, so the question now is why the wine is placed in...

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