Tag "Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft."

A new basic book on organic farming has been published

The basic book on organic farming in Hungarian has received an updated edition. This is the 4th, revised edition of the work of Dr. Péter Roszík, the managing director of...

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Farmers can get information on the spot, in person

In October-November, Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. organizes a cross-country tour in October-November in connection with the new cycle of agricultural subsidies, in order to spread knowledge related to organic farming...

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Biokontroll goes on a national tour

In October-November, Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. organizes a cross-country tour in October-November in connection with the new cycle of agricultural subsidies, in order to spread knowledge related to organic farming...

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An online conference series on organic farming is starting

Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. is launching an online conference series. The purpose of the information, consisting of three events, is to help processing plants, horticulture and livestock farms to effectively...

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Biztosított a minőség

A minőségbiztosítási elvárások egyre szigorúbbá válnak, aminek köszönhetően egyre biztonságosabb élelmiszerek kerülnek a piacra. Ugyanez vonatkozik az élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatba kerülő anyagokra, azaz a csomagolóanyagokra is. Ennek megfelelően a gyártók és...

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Óvatosan kell kezelni a növényvédőszerek határértékeit

A zöldségekben, gyümölcsökben engedélyezett különböző gyom-, gomba- és rovarirtók maradványainak szabályos mennyisége aszerint kerül megállapításra, hogy mekkora adag jelent veszélyt az egészségre, amennyiben kizárólag az adott élelmiszerből, kizárólag az adott...

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They do not examine the combined effects of chemicals in food

The permitted chemical limit values in certain agricultural products, including vegetables and fruits, including the regular amount of residues of various herbicides, fungi and insecticides, are established according to the...

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You are what you eat

Most Hungarian consumers think of healthy eating when organic foods are discussed, but many are also beginning to be aware of the sustainability aspects of these foods. Although organic foods...

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Magazine: Results are needed – already by yesterday if possible!

Krisztina Vatai, services management director of GS1 Magyarország told our magazine that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed consumers towards online shopping in FMCG buying too, therefore it is now more important...

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Organic revolution subsidized in Hungary

Dr István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, announced the opening of new resources subsidizing organic farming in Hungary. He explained that the government supports the increase of territories included in organic...

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Sió Natura Bio fruit juice

New Sió Natura Bio fruit juice is here – it is part of the organic product range, being a new innovation in the organic juice segment. We are launching two...

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Biokontroll: Not everyone passes the test

According to Zsolt Kanyó, the head of Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft.’s development department, the size of land used for ecological farming is approximately 300,00ha in Hungary – about 6 percent...

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Quality systems and markings in egg production

The essence of responsible food safety is that only such high quality eggs end up in the freezers of shoppers that have been monitored in each and every phase of...

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Most organic farms produce grass

As the result of the ecological tender announced in 2015, the size of the organic farms increased by 48 percent in a single year – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Nevertheless, the proportion...

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New support for the organic farmers

There is no time for delay: “The Switch to Organic Farming, the Maintenance of Organic Farming” application has been published. The deadline for submission is very close: the electronic support...

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Hungarian grey cattle to be bred organically

The Association of Hungarian Grey Cattle Breeders (MSzTE), the Hungarian Organic Culture Association and Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. signed a strategic agreement. The three parties’ goal is to breed grey...

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