Tag "Bicsár Attila"

Historic victory at the Young Chef World Championship

This year the METRO Gastro Academy hosted the final of the Chaine Young Chef World Championship. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/11inally, after 50 years there...

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This was this year’s Gundel Award ceremony – Picture of the day

On October 27th, the Gundel Restaurant presented the prestigious professional award, the Gundel Károly Award, established by the Hungarian Restaurant Association, for the 9th time. The ceremonial event took place...

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Attila Bicsár and Lázár Kovács-Siklós will receive the Gundel award this year

A Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestülete Gundel Károly vendéglős és gasztronómiai szakíró munkásságának emlékére – számos társszervezet közreműködésével – idén is átadja a szakma Kossuth-díjának is nevezett szakmai elismerést. A 18 szakmai...

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Summer sandwiches and espresso with ice cream: the gastronomic offer of OMV VIVA has been renewed

From July, the gastronomic offer of OMV VIVA was renewed: Attila Bicsár, the creative chef of Sauska 48, came up with two sandwiches with a summery flavor. In addition to...

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This is what Hungarians eat when they go on a road trip by car

94% of Hungarians tend to eat food while traveling, and the most important aspects when choosing it are practicality, price and quality – a recent national survey by OMV Hungária,...

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Winter flavours at the filling stations

It started four years ago that OMV comes out with a gourmet product selection in every season. This time Attila Bicsár, the well-known creative chef of Sauska48 has compiled the...

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The gourmet offer of OMV and Attila Bicsár comes with winter flavors and a special vegetarian offer

For four years now, OMV has presented a new gourmet selection every season: during the current update, Attila Bicsár, the creative chef of the restaurant Sauska48, which recently received a...

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OMV service stations sell gourmet food by Attila Bicsár

OMV filling stations started selling gourmet food in spring 2018. From September 2022 customers can buy the foods of well-known chef Attila Bicsár, OMV’s new culinary ambassador, at service stations....

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Attila Bicsár designed OMV’s latest gourmet range

OMV is working with a new gastro ambassador: Attila Bicsár, the creative chef of Sauska48, put together the exclusive offer of the gas station network. In the new gourmet sandwich...

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(HU) Nem elég jó szakácsnak lenni, tudni kell üzletemberként is gondolkodni!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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