Tag "beruházás"

Solum Zrt. handed over a dairy farm in Komárom

Solum Zrt handed over a new dairy farm, developed its machine park and increased its silage capacity in Nagyherkálypusztán near Komárom with an investment of almost HUF 3 billion. Minister...

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High-quality farms are necessary for livestock farmers to be competitive

Solum Zrt handed over a new dairy farm, developed its machine park and increased its silage capacity in Nagyherkálypusztán near Komárom with an investment of almost HUF 3 billion. Minister...

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A new PENNY will soon be built in Pilisvörösvár

PENNY’s network in Hungary is expanding once again, after the work on the new store in Pilisvörösvár has begun. The city is also located in an area where the company...

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We continue to strengthen our country’s self-sufficiency

The Hungarian government stands behind all investments that support the further strengthening of our country’s self-sufficiency – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the...

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Nestlé To Invest €500m In Chocolate And Biscuit Business In Brazil

Nestlé plans to invest R$2.7 billion (€500.6 million) in its chocolate and biscuit operations in Brazil between now and 2026, which is three times the amount invested in the last...

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The Master Good company group is building Europe’s largest organic fertilizer plant in 3 years

The result of a long process will arrive soon. Currently, 35,000 to 40,000 tons of poultry manure, named Bio-Fer, of the Master Good company group are produced annually, but the...

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Poland estimates the costs of expanding Ukrainian grain transit at around one billion euros

Poland estimates the costs needed to expand Ukrainian grain transit at about 1 billion euros, confirmed Andrzej Sados, Poland’s permanent representative to the European Union, according to media reports on...

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Emődi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. is developing its feeding technology with more than HUF 280 million

Emődi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. is developing its feed technology at its site in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Emőd, from HUF 282.76 million, the company told MTI. According to the information, the investment serves...

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Walmart to invest $257 million in beef-packing plant in Kansas

Walmart announced it would invest $257 million to open a beef-packing plant in Olathe, Kansas in 2025, which would create more than 600 jobs. The facility will package and distribute...

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The 23 billion investment of the domestic Domestos factory has been completed

With the completion of the automated high-rise warehouse built in the second phase, Unilever Magyarország Kft.’s investment of more than 60 million euros (about 23 billion forints), realized entirely by...

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Smurfit Kappa Invests $12m In Mexican Plant

Packaging firm Smurfit Kappa plans to invest $12 million (€11.1 million) in its Mexican plant at Tijuana. The company has operated in Mexico since 1957 and has had a presence...

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The market builds community

It is important to preserve our Hungarian culture in Hungary, and going to the market is also an integral part of Hungarian culture – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, the State...

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PepsiCo to invest $72 million in Britain’s Walkers factory

PepsiCo Inc  said it would invest 58 million pounds ($72 million) to boost potato crisp, or chips, manufacturing at its Walkers factory in Leicester, in what represents the consumer goods...

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Production line funeral at Szentkirályi +VIDEO!

Szentkirályi Magyarország Kft.’s factory expansion project launched in 2021 has reached a significant milestone. In the framework of the VNP II program, with the support of HIPA, their site was...

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Record sales in 2022, investments, online developments at Praktiker

In addition to investments and developments, thanks to state subsidies that indirectly affect the construction industry, the Hungarian Praktiker continued to grow even in the challenging last year. The do-it-yourself...

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Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország is launching its largest investment in the last sixteen years in Dunaharaszti

The largest soft drink company in the country is developing its production and logistics capacities for a total of about 23 million euros (~8.7 billion forints). Coca-Cola HBC Hungary will...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports new investments worth more than HUF 171 billion

Thanks to the 80% national additional funding, the government has supported agricultural and food industry investments worth HUF 1,300 billion from 2021, in addition to this, another 400 projects will...

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GFM: the volume of investments also increased significantly in the field of agriculture

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in the first quarter of 2023, the amount of investments decreased by 2.8 percent on an annual basis. The result...

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Warsteiner Group invests in €20m bottling improvements at Herforder Brewery

The funding is part of a wider €200m investment in infrastructure by the Warsteiner Group. German brewer The Warsteiner Group has invested €20m ($21.7m) in its Herforder Brewery, as it...

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The development of the food industry cannot stop, according to the vice president of NAK

The development of the domestic food industry cannot stop despite difficulties not seen for decades – said the national vice-president responsible for the food industry of the National Chamber of...

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The poultry sector can remain competitive with continuous development

The poultry sector has remained a competitive and exportable livestock sector despite recurring animal diseases, the covid epidemic, the energy crisis and the hardships of war, said the Deputy State...

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Grape-Vine Kft. expanded its capacity with a new storage hall and equipment purchase.

Grape-Vine Kft. expanded its capacity at its site in Kiskunmajsa with a new storage hall and the purchase of wine processing equipment with a European Union grant of HUF 769...

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Gyermelyi Zrt handed over a new egg production facility

On Thursday, Gyermelyi Zrt. handed over an egg production unit created with an investment of HUF 1.4 billion in Máriahalom, thus the company created the largest egg production plant in...

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ALDI is celebrating its 15th anniversary

ALDI Magyarország Élelmiszer Bt is celebrating its anniversary. As a subsidiary of the ALDI SÜD group, the company opened its first five stores in Hungary 15 years ago in Debrecen,...

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Gyermelyi Zrt handed over a new egg production facility

On Thursday, the company handed over an egg production unit created with an investment of 1.4 billion forints in Máriahalm, thus creating the largest egg production plant in the country....

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Aldi has invested HUF 240 billion in Hungary

Aldi has invested HUF 240 billion in Hungary so far and already employs more than 6,000 workers, the company told MTI on Tuesday in connection with the fact that they...

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Pécs-based Somapak Kft. expanded its capacity with an investment of almost a quarter of a billion.

Pécs-based Somapak Csomagolástechnikai Gépgyártó Kft. built a production hall, acquired equipment and implemented IT developments with an investment of nearly a quarter of a billion forints, the company told MTI....

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Despite the ongoing challenges, the resilience of the Hungarian economy is good

Despite the continuous challenges and crises, the resilience and performance of the Hungarian economy can be said to be particularly good – the State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance...

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Vajda-Papír won the “Largest training program of the year” award

Vajda-Papír was awarded the “Largest training program of the year award” by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (KKM) together with the National Investment Agency (HIPA). The recognition was...

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Continuous development can mean the future for Hungarian apples

We find that not only we want to develop it, but also the demand and will on the part of the producers is huge: everyone understood that the investments that...

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