Tag "B2C"

Cross-border ecommerce reached 237 billion euros

The online European cross-border market reached a turnover of 237 billion euros in 2023. This is an increase of 32 percent compared to the year before. European online stores generated...

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Freight forwarding: ‘We learned a lot about ourselves and the market’

DACHSER was able to continue operating the global supply chains of partners without any interruption. According to Zsuzsa Szontágné Hajnal, LIEGL & DACHSER’s sales manager of European logistics, their objectives...

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Shopping experience and stable operation is the key to success in e-commerce

Between mid-March and the end of April more than 50,000 new shoppers appeared in e-commerce, while the average order value and the number of basket items both grew – reveals...

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The big marketplace

Already one third of sales in the e-commerce sector is realised in various marketplaces. A platform is a technology that provides certain services to more users at the same time. In the...

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Magazine: Ecommerce Summit 2019: Online shopping is the future

Ecommerce Hungary has organised its annual two-day conference, which is now called Hungarian Ecommerce Summit, in Visegrád for the 16th time.  Another new idea from the organisers was inviting experts...

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The Chinese market needs to be approached cautiously

It is very important to know that businesses that wish to enter the Chinese market need to be aware of how important the following things are in the country’s business...

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New Directors at the Hungexpo Zrt.

Under the decision of the management new Directors will take over the commercial manager responsibilities at the Hungexpo Zrt.. The Director of the B2B exhibition business branch will be Szilvási...

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