Tag "aratás"

The good quality Hungarian grain is popular abroad

In terms of quantity and quality, the Hungarian wheat harvest was good this year – it was revealed at the press conference closing this year’s harvest. Grain cereals will abundantly...

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Grain growers: the harvest of autumn wheat has been completed

The harvest of winter wheat in the country was completed according to the plans – the chairman of the National Association of Grain-Growers (GOSZ) told MTI on Monday. Vancsura József...

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More than 80 percent of wheat has been harvested in Zala

More than 80 percent of wheat has been harvested in Zala county, the average yield is 15-20 percent lower than in the previous year, the county president of the National...

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The summer harvesting works in Békés were finished

The summer harvesting works have been completed in Békés County, farmers are not expected to make a big profit this year – the secretary of the Békés County Agricultural Producers’...

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Grain growers: there is a large difference in crop yields at mid-harvest

There are large differences in cereal yields at half-time of the harvest; The quality of the crops is good, but the volume may fall short of last year – the...

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Harvest season started sooner because of the heat

Due to the warm weather in late May, the harvest season began earlier this year, with the harvesting of autumn barley and rape – Czerván György, Minister of State of...

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Harvest has begun

With the harvesting of the of autumn barley and rape this year’s harvest season in the country has begun. Experts expect crop yields lower than last year’s record levels for...

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Wheat harvest has been completed

Wheat harvest almost completed in the country. Due to bad weather, the farmers are still working on 1-2 percent of the area – the President of the National Association of...

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The harvest is expected to be completed by the beginning of August

Farmers in the country expect to complete harvest by the beginning of August, if the weather remains favorable and no rain occurs – the President of the National Grain Producers...

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The per hectare wheat yield is six and a half tonnes in Tolna County

Approaching to the half of the harvest, the per hectare winter wheat yield is six and a half tonnes in Tolna County, where winter barley and canola also have outstanding...

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The wheat harvest begins next week

Farmers expect a good wheat harvest both in quantity and quality. The wheat harvest begins next week. However, the optimistic expectations is overshadowed by the low price levels: purchasers only...

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The harvest has started in Békés County

The harvest has begun in Békés County with the harvesting of the winter barley, canola and pea seed. Kozsuch Kornél chairman of the county harvest coordination committee told MTI on...

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The harvest has begun

This year's harvest season has begun in Hungary with the harvest of winter barley. the experts expect a good average crop – Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The harvest started in the country's southern counties

The harvest started in the country's southern counties. The early maturing winter barley is already harvested in the sandy areas – the president of the National Association of Grain Producers...

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Three-quarter of the sunflower has been harvested

Almost three-quarter of the sunflowers in Zala County has been harvested until now. The plant’s quality parameters comply with the regulations – the president of the county National Agricultural Chamber...

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Association of Grain Producers: this year was favorable to the winter cereals

This year's autumn favored the cultivation of cereals – the President of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Thursday. Vancsura József by commenting the 2015 data...

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The NÉBIH will test the freshly harvested grain

In order to filter out contamination in grains, the NÉBIH will test the mycotoxin ie fungal toxin content of cereals – the deputy director of NÉBIH told M1 news channel...

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Nearly 90 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County

So far, 88 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County on a more than 20 thousand hectares of area. The average yield was 5.18 tons per hectare...

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Hungary’s bread is provided

Hungary’s bread is provided. The harvest of winter wheat ended on one million hectares. 5 million tonnes has been harvested thanks to the hard work – the Minister of Agriculture...

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Wheat harvest is expected to be completed in the country by the end of the week

The wheat harvest is expected to be completed by the end of the week in Hungary, because the weather was favorable during the time of the harvest – the president...

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Harvest started in Tolna County with a six-ton average yield

According to the data of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) after the harvest of the ten percent of the sown area of the winter wheat in Tolna county,...

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The harvest started well

This year's harvest started well in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where half of the barley has been harvested, and the average yield right is better than medium – Rácz Imre, president of...

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The winter wheat harvest may begin at the end of the week

The rainy weather of the recent days caused a slight delay in the beginning of the harvest, but the winter wheat harvest may begin at the end of the week...

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The harvest has begun in Hungary

The harvest has begun in the country; farmers started to harvest the winter barley in almost every counties – Czerván György Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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The Minister of State expects a medium wheat crop

According to the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, there is good chance for medium wheat crop. Czerván György told M1 news channel on Thursday that harvest began...

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The harvest begins

This year's harvest season has started with the winter barley harvest at the end of the week – hvg.hu wrote after Napi Gazdaság. Vancsura József, president of the National Association...

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