Tag "állattenyésztés"

The new sow farm of the Hunland Group was handed over

The “fire-hardened alliance” of farmers and the government and the support of young farmers remain; there will be a support for start-up farmers with 40 thousand euros and a support...

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Information for dairy cattle, beef and sheep farmers

The database supporting the identification of animals on the electronic interface available for submitting the unified application has been updated, which helps the submission of animal-based support applications with better...

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Hungary joins the European campaign to stop African swine fever (#StopASF)

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is also supporting the fight against African swine fever (ASP) with a European-level campaign in 2023. Now in its fourth year, the #StopASF (#StopAfricanSwineFever...

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Official information regarding seasonal animal movements

In order to ensure continuous and up-to-date traceability of animals, the administrative obligations of cattle farmers include reporting movements within their farms. The data must be kept in the ENAR...

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The livestock sector can count on the government even in times of difficulty

Last year’s century-long drought, the lack of feed, the increase in input costs, and animal diseases did not make the situation of the livestock industry any easier. The decreasing output...

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A quick, simple solution for the pre-financing of agricultural subsidies at MBH Bank

MBH Bank has expanded its offer with a product that enables the pre-financing of agricultural subsidies within the framework of Unified Applications within days. The main advantage of Agricultural Factoring...

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MBH AgrárTrend Index: Cautious optimism characterizes the players in Hungarian agriculture

After a year of continuous decline, the value of the MBH AgrárTrend Index rose again in the first quarter of 2023. Due to the drop in energy and fodder prices,...

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The Animal Breeding and Farming Days are organized for the thirtieth time

The Great Plains Animal Husbandry and Farming Days, one of the most important professional meetings of Hungarian agriculture, will be held in Hódmezővásárhely from Thursday, the organizer Hód-Mezőgazda Zrt. informed...

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Useful information for cattle, sheep and goat farmers about the 2023 uniform subsidy application

As is known, animal data according to the ENAR system will be displayed on the Unified Application interface from this year. It is therefore important that incorrect data be corrected...

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Cambridge University is to switch to plant-based eating

Following a four-week consultation, Cambridge University’s students’ union has voted in favour of starting talks with its catering services, to remove animal products from their offerings in favour of an...

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The knowledge of young people will always have a place and value in agriculture

The young people know exactly that there are huge opportunities in agriculture, that agriculture is one of the key sectors of our future – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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Preservation of the gene stock of indigenous breeds is a priority state task

Preserving the gene pool of indigenous plant and animal breeds and maintaining genetic resources is a priority state task – said the Minister of Agriculture on Monday in Budapest, at...

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Five and a half billion forints will go to ewes farmers

The payment of subsidies for ewes related to production has begun. The support financed by the European Union will be paid to more than 7,000 sheep farmers in the amount...

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The National Park Administration of Kiskunság is renovating indigenous animal farms

The Kiskunság National Park Administration is spending nearly HUF 500 million in European Union support to renovate indigenous animal farms and purchase equipment and machinery, the organization told MTI. Mónika...

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Animal welfare – Video of the day

A little down… to the right… a little more… now good! This is also animal husbandry....

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Overturned grain market: grain growers are in a difficult situation

In three months, the price of the most important cereals fell by more than 20 percent on the domestic market, so the very unusual situation arose that wheat and corn...

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The success of fodder production is in the interest of the entire agricultural sector

The past two years have placed unprecedented burdens on agriculture, including animal husbandry and feed production. In bridging the difficulties, the government hastened to help the sector, and it will...

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Reducing GHG emissions related to animal husbandry is one of the biggest challenges

The organization called “Animal Task Force” published the latest research results on greenhouse gas emissions linked to the livestock industry in the framework of a series of conferences organized jointly...

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Responsibilities of cattle, sheep and goat keepers for uniform applications

In relation to the 2023 application for EU direct and rural development subsidies for cattle, sheep and goat farmers, the Ministry of Agriculture once again draws the attention of livestock...

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Important date and developments: next week, the antibiotic use reporting system will restart

After a significant “stitching up of wrinkles”, those affected can use the system for reporting antibiotic use again from the middle of next week. Veterinarians and their authorized representatives will...

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Hungarian-Kazakh agricultural cooperation is successful

A priority goal for our country is the opening to the East, including the establishment of a partnership with Kazakhstan, for which the close political, cultural and strengthening economic relations...

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Farmers can count on a predictable agricultural support system this year as well

Hungarian farmers are facing another difficult year, but they can trust the predictable agricultural support system this year as well – said the Minister of Agriculture at his press conference...

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Nébih has lifted a significant part of the bird flu restrictions in the Southern Great Plain counties

As of today, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has dissolved most of the supervision (observation) districts in the counties of Bács-Kiskun, Békés and Csongrád-Csanád. The introduction and resettlement...

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Tuberculosis was detected in two cattle herds in the county of Somogy

At the beginning of 2023, two cattle farms in Somogy county were confirmed to be infected with tuberculosis by the Nébih laboratory. The animals showed no symptoms, the infection was...

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It is being renewed, which is why the Nébih antibiotic use notification system has stopped

Evaluating last year’s experience, Nébih introduces several innovations in the antibiotic use reporting system. In accordance with the regulations, the veterinarians had to record the December reports on the interface...

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There is serious confusion on the domestic grain market, is Hungarian bread still Hungarian?

So far, more than 1.3 billion tons of grain and oilseeds of dubious quality – of which 900,000 tons are corn – have arrived in our country from Ukraine. Due...

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Agro-Ferr Kft. increases its production with the help of support.

Agro-Ferr Kft. is increasing its production by about 10 percent this year, and plans to produce six million liters of milk by the end of the year. The family business...

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AKI: HUF 517 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies

HUF 516.7 billion were paid for agricultural and rural development subsidies until September 30 last year; 64.8 percent, HUF 334.9 billion, of the disbursed support came from European Union funds,...

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K&H farmers have to expect higher purchase prices for the next production cycle

In 2023, agricultural businesses must expect that purchase prices will have already risen significantly for the next production cycle, but sales prices cannot be expected to rise any further, although...

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Support for the prevention of certain animal diseases is available again

From January 1, 2023, the support program for the prevention and control of certain animal diseases, financed from the national budget and helping the livestock sectors, will be available again...

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