Tag "agrárbiztosítás"

The risk management of producers can only be improved through cooperation

On June 20, 2024, the Agricultural Economics Institute (AKI) hosted the workshop entitled “Experiences of the agricultural risk management system in 2023” for the tenth time. After presenting the results...

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Mabisz: last year’s drought may further increase interest in premium-subsidized plant insurance

The application for this year’s plant insurance fee subsidy can now be submitted to the state treasury; after last year’s drought, the interest in the scheme is expected to grow...

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Extreme weather causes hundreds of millions of damage every year

The increasingly hectic weather in Hungarian agriculture has caused serious headaches in recent years. In addition, extreme natural phenomena no longer destroy not only from spring to autumn, but almost...

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AM: agricultural insurance is essential for responsible farming

With the development of the agricultural risk management system and the exemplary cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) and agricultural insurers for more than nine years, producer self-sufficiency is...

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FBAMSZ: it is recommended to apply for agricultural insurance premium support until Friday

It is recommended to apply for agricultural insurance premium support until Friday, because after that the amount of support will be reduced by 1 percent per working day as a...

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This year the premium rate of subsidized agricultural insurance increased by 16 percent

The volume of subsidized crop insurance premiums paid by farmers is expected to be close to 11.4 billion HUF this year, which is 16 percent higher than last year –...

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Farmers can provide subsidized agricultural insurance for more than 10 billion HUF this year

Farmers are expected to make subsidized agricultural insurance for more than 10 billion HUF this year, after which they may receive a premium of 5 billion HUF in 2019. The...

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Mabisz: farmers concluded 22,000 plant insurance contracts

Farmers concluded a total of twenty-two thousand plant insurance contracts in Hungary – Lambert Gábor, Communications Manager of the Hungarian Insurance Association (Mabisz) told M1 news channel. He drew attention...

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Farmers can apply for an agricultural insurance subsidy of 5 billion HUF

Farmers may receive an annual agricultural insurance subsidy of 5 billion HUF this year. The claims may be submitted in the single application period – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM)...

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This year, farmers with a subsidized agricultural insurance receive a higher rate of refund

This year, farmers with subsidized agricultural insurance receive a larger share of this year’s refund because the agrarian insurance premium subsidy fund was raised this year, from 4 billion forints...

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The agricultural insurance framework increases by one-third this year

The agricultural insurance framework increases by one-third this year to 4 billion HUF, but because the money comes from EU funds again, the amount will be paid to farmers at...

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