Extreme weather causes hundreds of millions of damage every year

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2021. 03. 19. 11:22
The increasingly hectic weather in Hungarian agriculture has caused serious headaches in recent years. In addition, extreme natural phenomena no longer destroy not only from spring to autumn, but almost all year round. Last year, Generali Biztosító reimbursed hundreds of millions of forints for weather-related damage, most of which was caused by hailstorms, but storm and lightning damage also caused significant losses.

The effects of global climate change are becoming more and more pronounced in Hungary as well: experts say that not only will the annual rainfall increase, but its distribution and intensity will be more hectic in the coming decades, and the average annual temperature may increase by more than one degree by 2100. Extreme weather events are already putting domestic agriculture to the test, with storms, floods and droughts becoming more threatening, while hail traditionally causes the most significant losses. In recent years, droughts and extreme temperature fluctuations have also become an increasing risk, and last year unexpected and devastating lightning floods were also detected in Zala and Somogy.

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