Tag "adatszolgáltatás"

KSH: the agricultural census begins

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) will begin the census of more than 20,000 individual farms across the country on Friday; the provision of data is prescribed by a government decree,...

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Trade talks between MVI and KSH

Since 2016 the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) has published its statistical report about the hospitality sector every year, which relies on data provided by the Central Statistical Office (KSH)....

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More tourism sectors are joining the data center

Following the accommodations, restaurants and tourist attractions will join the National Tourist Information Center (NTAK) from November as another important step in data-driven sector management, Guller Zoltán, CEO of the...

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(HU) Vendéglátóhelyek kötelező adatszolgáltatása

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Thanks to Hungarian development, accommodation providers can get away with another hundreds of thousands of publications

At the beginning of January, the government decree will enter into force, which obliges all accommodation establishments in Hungary to digitally scan the guests’ documents and forward them to the...

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From January, all invoices will be visible to NAV

Next year, the tax authority must be notified immediately if a company issues an invoice to individuals or foreign buyers. This imposes a new type of obligation on companies –...

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Professional organizations support the National Tourist Information Center

A strategic cooperation agreement has been signed in Budapest between the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) and the six largest professional organizations of accommodation providers about the National Tourist Information Center...

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Hungarian Post receives a vending machine competitor

A new Hungarian-developed surveillance unit may be placed in the food and beverage vending machines connected to the NAV. The Tekinvest AFE solution of the Tekinvest Holding Zrt. has been...

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The obligation to report to NAV

There were more than 15 million successful data providings realised via the National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) online invoicing system in a little more than six months. NAV reported...

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The online invoice system will start on 1 July

The online invoice system will receive data on business accounts from 1 July. The companies must sign up for the system on the website of the National Tax and Customs...

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A tripartite cooperation agreement was reached to develop the data service for the dairy sector

A cooperation agreement was signed on 14 November, in Velence by the Agricultural Research Institute (AKI), the National Food Chain Security Agency (NÉBIH) and the Milk Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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Mandatory nitrate reporting

Those farmers who live in nitrate polluted areas have to report detailed action program rules for the protection of waters against nitrate pollution between 1 January and 31 March. The...

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The Brandbank, a member of the Nielsen Group enters the US market as the data service provider of Walmart

On 29 June 2016, Nielsen announced the launch of Brandbank into the U.S. Consumer Packaged Goods and retail market, integrated into Wal-Mart's systems as an approved content service provider. Brandbank,...

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Online database about the shops that will remain open on Sundays

The Hungarian-owned content provider the NPMobileComm-NaviPro Group, has launcehed the VasarnapiNyitvatartas.hu site by involving its twenty-thousand commercial and tourism partners in Hungary – the company informs. According to the communication,...

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