(HU) SIAL Innováció-díj nyertesek
SIAL Innovation Award winners in 2022
Idén a hús- és tenger gyümölcsei helyettesítő alternatívák, a praktikus otthoni elkészítési módszerek, a környezettudatos csomagolás, a környezetvédelmi innovációk és a minél kisebb mértékű feldolgozottság került a szakértő zsűri döntéseinek fókuszába. Ebben az évben 16 újdonságot díjaztak a fenti szempontok szerint, ahol az abszolút győztes ismét Franciaország volt. De nézzük a részleteket!
Awards by sector
Premium protein from carbon dioxide
California-based start-up NovoNutrients announced the successful production of protein from carbon dioxide. They claim that its quality is basically identical to beef – “beef-quality protein, without the cow.” According to Independent test data from Medallion Labs, NovoNutrients’ protein ingredient outperformed published scores for conventional plant protein ingredients, such as the soy and pea protein concentrates and isolates used in meat substitute foods. What is more, it also outscored innovative new ingredients like nutritional fungi protein.
In the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS), for ages three and up, NovoNutrients Protein achieved a 1.14 score, equal to the score for beef. NovoNutrients’ technology takes the most abundant and inexpensive CO2-containing industrial emissions and hydrogen as its key inputs. The company makes a range of protein ingredients and products from these, which can be used for aquafeed and for people, including high-value nutraceuticals, e.g. carotenoids. //
This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2022.12-01.
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