BUSINESS DAYS 2024. September 23–27.

Date: 2024. 09. 23. 08:00


FMCG Open University on the Trade Campus

(The latest on the FMCG market from a retailer, supplier, HoReCa and services perspective)

Term time: 23-27 September 2024
University town: Tapolca
Trade Campus: Hunguest Hotel Pelion

We are coming together for a week this September, listening to the experiences and ideas of others and reflecting on our future opportunities and challenges. We are going to take a lot of courses during the week, but of course we will also have school get-togethers, university balls and cellar parties. We are going to invite lots of professors, and those participants who apply will be allowed to take exams, so that they can return home with a proper diploma, proving that they have completed this year’s course…

Soon we can say that we have been living in an ever-changing environment for four years, with growing challenges and unexpected events, experiencing economic changes, trying to comply with a modified regulatory environment, amidst changing customer and consumer trends. The sensitivity and strategic role of the FMCG market don’t need to be demonstrated, but it is necessary to monitor the changes and prepare for future events in good time. All these changes require more and more information from both inside and outside. This is why every September we gather for five days at the Business Days conference, with invited speakers, roundtable participants, discussing old themes and new ones, in Hungarian and English, in consumer, supplier, retailer, wholesaler and service provider circles.

Just like in the past, we have chosen a special theme for this year’s conference, which has never been used before. This time we are studying at the FMCG Open University on the Trade Campus, to keep our “science” up-to-date and to give good answers to the challenges of today. Our goal is to spend a really valuable week together, in a professional environment.

Everyone is welcome!






Draft programme

Day 1 Monday, 23 September 2024

9.00-9.45 Registration, check-in in the dormitories

9.45-10.00 Rector’s welcome and morning address by the dean of the Faculty of Hospitality

10.00-12.00 Department of Social Sciences

General market analysis and overviews of the last year and a half by various trade bodies, with a preview of the next year with our invited speakers: macroeconomics, HoReCa market exclusive, studies prepared for the conference, industry introductions, reports from trade representatives.

12.00-13.00 Meeting in the cafeteria

13.00-15.00 Hospitality College Part 1

HoReCa market experts reflect on market research data and reports from trade bodies, analyse the events of the past year and share their forward-looking thoughts with the audience, outlining the challenges and possible solutions for the near future.

15.00-15.30 Break

15.30-17.00 Hospitality College Part 2

Overview of HoReCa market trends by suppliers, owners, HoReCa experts and trade organisations.

17.00-18.00 Academic evening with surprise guest

18.00-20.30 Free time

20.30-24.00 eKlub Tapolca – Dinner in the garden tent, music, raffle

Day 2 Tuesday, 24 September 2024

8.30-9.15 Registration, check-in in the dormitories

9.15-9.30 Ringing of the bell and welcome address by the dean of the Faculty of Economics

9.30-12.00 Department of Economics

General macroeconomic, supplier and buyer market assessment of the past year and a half and a vision of the opportunities and challenges of the year and a half ahead, with our invited speakers and roundtable discussion participants.

Announcement of the results of the “Retail Award of Excellence for Hungarian Products 2024” competition and presentation of the awards.

12.00-13.00 Meeting in the cafeteria

13.00-15.00 Department of Commerce

Current challenges, opportunities, new strategies and plans for wholesalers and buyers, roundtable discussions

15.00-15.30 Break

15.30-17.00 Department of National Defence

Opportunities at domestic chains and tobacco shops discussed in roundtable discussions

17.00-18.00 Academic evening with surprise guest

18.00-20.30 Free time

20.00-24.00 Freshman Ball – Dinner in the restaurant, fun programmes in the lobby, raffle

Day 3 Wednesday, 25 September 2024

8.30-9.15 Registration, check-in in the dormitories

9.15-9.30 Ringing of the bell and welcome address by the dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

9.30-11.00 AI Department

General market assessment of the last year and a half and future opportunities in e-commerce, with presentations and roundtable discussion.

11.00-12.00 Department of Logistics and Transport

General market assessment of the last year and a half and future opportunities in the entire supply chain, with presentations and roundtable discussion.

12.00-13.00 Meeting in the cafeteria

13.00-14.00 Department of Health Sciences

General market assessment of the last year and a half and future opportunities in the pharmacy channel, with presentations and roundtable discussion

14.00-16.00 Department of Environmental Engineering

Sustainability reports from around the world and Hungary, with presentations and roundtable discussions.

Announcement of the results of the “Symbol of Sustainability 2023” competition, presentation of prizes.

16.00-16.30 Break

16.30-17.30 Department of Adult Education

Labour market analysis with discussion of future perspectives, with invited speakers and roundtable discussions.

17.30-18.30 Academic evening with surprise guest

18.30-20.30 Break

20.30-01.00 School party – BBQ dinner in the garden, followed by live music courtesy of Rossmann

Day 4 Thursday, 26 September 2024

8.30-9.15 Registration, check-in in the dormitories

9.15-9.30 Ringing of the bell and welcome address by the dean of the Faculty of Foreign Trade

9.30-12.00 Department of Business Economics

Market review of the last year and a half and the year ahead, followed by a roundtable discussion hosted by the Branded Goods Association.

Introducing the Chain Bridge Foundation and the students it supports.

12.00-13.00 Meeting in the cafeteria

13.00-14.00 Department of Teaching Methodology

Brand equity trends and marketing communication – presentations and roundtable discussion

14.00-15.00 Department of International Relations

Successes and challenges of hyper- and supermarkets – roundtable discussion

15.00-15.30 Break

15.30-16.30 Department of Chemical Operations

Successes and challenges of the service station channel – roundtable discussion

16.30-17.30 Department of Psychology

Successes and challenges of drugstores and discounters – roundtable discussion

17.30-18.30 Academic evening with surprise guest

18.30-20.30 Break

20.30-04.00 Graduation Ceremony – Gala Dinner, Lifetime Achievement Awards, Birthday toasts, and the announcement of the results of the “Retailer of the Year 2024” competition, presentation of awards, followed by lives music by the Vegas Show Band, courtesy of TV2 Group

Day 5 Friday, 27 September 2024

9.00-10.00 Check-out from the dormitories

10.00-13.00 Faculty of Humanities

Our visiting professors will bring great lectures for our traditional farewell presentations for managers this year.

13.00-14.30 Meeting in the cafeteria

We reserve the right to change the programme!


You can follow the regularly updated conference programme at

You can also find all the information about our conference in English on our website:

More information:


Registration form and participation fees 

Members of the Lánchíd Klub will also take part in the conference:
Hovánszky László president; Baja Sándor (Randstad); Balázs Ildikó (Auchan); Balogh Tibor (OMV); Bánhidi Attila (Fornetti); Benedek László (Agroloop); Békefi László (Coca-Cola); dr. Boros Péter (Graboplast); Csongovai Tamás (BA-HA-MAS); Fazekas Endre; Fekete Zoltán (Márkaszövetség); dr. Fischer Béla; Flórián László (Rossmann); Földesi György (Al-Rushaid Group); Gazsi Zoltán (Eisberg); Házi Zoltán; Heiszler Gabriella (SPAR); Hermann Zsuzsanna (Trade Magazin); Jeszenszki Lívia (Real); Justin István(Justin Time); Kedves Ferenc (Partner in Petfood); Laknerfi-Korin Katalin (Zwack Unicum); dr. Kozák Ákos (lmpetus Research); dr. Köves András (NT); Krizsó Szilvia (KriShow);  Matus István; Mezei János (Co-op Star); Müller Kornél (Törley); Murányi László; Nagy Sándor; Németh Ottó (Herbow); Noszek Péter (Nestlé); Pálinkás Zsolt (Tesco); Poór Zoltán (Puratos); Rácz József (Prémium Kert); Saltzer Kornél; Sófalvi Attila (Mars); Sóskuti György (Bonafarm); Soltész Gergő (Ostotos Családi Pincészet); Strasser-Kátai Bernadett (Real Nature); Szalókyné Tóth Judit (The Coca-Cola Company); Szautner Péter (FrieslandCampina); Székács Tibor (Avokado); Tarsoly József (Wienerberger) dr. Tímár Imre (Tanner Trade); Tóth Zoltán (Mindz); Venter Zoltán (Essity); Vuleta Zsolt (Borsodi Sörgyár); Zsinkó Bálint 


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