Business Meetup & Dinnner
30 May 2024

Date: 2024. 05. 30. 15:00

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FMCG market exclusive for corporate decision-makers!


Trade afternoon and business dinner

Date: 30 May 2024

Venue: Hungexpo main building, 1st floor conference room (1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út 10.)

Registration deadline: 27 May 2024

Trade magazin organises its half-day Business Meetup & Dinner for corporate decision-makers in the FMCG market once again The afternoon programme will feature 4 one-hour exclusive presentations in Hungarian and English, with simultaneous interpretation! This will be followed by a two-hour roundtable discussion with two additional invited guests, as per the programme below


Nenad Pacek, founder and president of Global Success Advisors and the EMEA Business Group, Austria

Nenad is one of world’s leading authorities on the global economy, emerging markets and corporate strategies for faster international growth. He regularly interacts with global and regional managers of large corporations, performing hundreds of client sessions every year around the world in person or online. He is well known in corporate circles for his “no written notes” and “no slides” presentations and consultations. Nenad, via his holding company Global Success Advisors, acts as a trusted advisor to global executive teams of major multinationals, helping them understand and predict future developments

He is the author of four books, most recently “The Future of Business in Emerging Markets” and “Global Economy”. He is the lead author of two book editions of “Emerging Markets: Lessons for Business Success and Outlooks for Different Markets”.

Péter Noszek, CEO of Nestlé Hungária

Péter Noszek started his career in 1991, as an intern at Nestlé’s headquarters in Switzerland and later in the United Kingdom. His first assignment in Hungary came in 1992, when he was named controller of the factories in Szerencs and Diósgyőr, and later of the entire Hungarian organisation. In 1997 he was recruited by the New Zealand subsidiary, as head of finance and controlling and remained in this position after returning to Hungary – with a stop in Australia. In 2005 he was promoted to finance director of Nestlé Philippines and in 2011 moved to Switzerland, to take up the position of finance and controlling director of Nestlé Purina Petcare Europe. In 2014 he was appointed CFO of Nestlé Europe and in the same year of Nestlé Middle East and North Africa. In this position he was involved in the development of the region’s strategy up until 2020. Péter Noszek has been the CEO of Nestlé Hungária Kft. since January 2018.

Arthur Keleti, cybersecurity and AI expert, futurologist

Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI) expert. Founder and president of the Voluntary Cyber Defence Coalition (KIBEV). Author of the book “The Imperfect Secret”, researcher on the security of personal and business secrets in cyberspace and the future of cybersecurity. Since 1999 he has been a strategic partner of Magyar Telekom and its predecessors (ICON, KFKI, T-Systems) in management and consulting positions. He is the initiator and main organiser of the multi-day conference Info/Cyberscec, Trends, Buzz and Networking Day (ITBN), which took place in 2021 with great success and has been bringing together the players in the Hungarian security market for 17 years for collective thinking. As a researcher and speaker at international and national events, he focuses on the future of cybersecurity, the social and technological impact of digitalisation, artificial intelligence and the digitalisation of human and organisational secrets. He is the executive producer of the US movie “Sight: Extended”. He is a cybersecurity futurist, researcher on the future of artificial intelligence and its influence on cybersecurity. Motto: Don’t be scared of cyberspace and artificial intelligence! Let’s learn to be afraid in a structured way.

Zoltán Gazsi, managing director of Eisberg

After graduating from the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, he worked in the agricultural sector for 14 years, in a multinational environment as a Syngenta employee, travelling the world as a global marketing manager. He has been the managing director of Eisberg for 16 years. In addition to the company’s financial success, he has developed an exemplary company culture based on honesty. He credits his leadership success to his efforts to build a valued, supportive community. The company’s corporate social responsibility activities are unique. He is a member of the presidency of the Business Council for Sustainable Development and the Swiss-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce. He is a corporate ambassador for Responsible Enterprises, the Hospital School Foundation and the Budapest Festival Orchestra. In 2023 he was selected by the Green Brands Academy as one of the TOP 25 Green Personalities of the Year. For years he has been giving motivational speeches in schools and at companies. In 2024 he published his book “Emberszemlélet”.

György Jaksity, founder and chairman of the board at Concorde

Before founding Concorde, he worked at various local and international financial companies for 4 years. He was involved in the founding of the Budapest Stock Exchange and was its president from 2002 to 2004. Member of the board of the Investment Services Association and former member of the board of EFFAS. He frequently gives speeches on the securities markets of Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe. In the last two decades he has been a regular lecturer on corporate finance and investment theories at the Institute for Training and Consulting in Banking (Bankárképző), Corvinus University of Budapest and other higher education institutions, and he is the author of several coursebooks, training materials, articles and papers. He has been involved in all major financial advisory work by Concorde, including the privatisation of Budapest Airport, Richter Gedeon NyRt, Postabank Rt, FHB, MATÁV, MOL, BorsodChem, TVK, Egis and other leading Hungarian companies, as well as in numerous mergers and acquisitions and financing transactions for these and other private companies.

Dr György Surányi, former Governor of the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB)

After graduating with a degree in financial policy from the Karl Marx University of Economics, he started his career at the Institute of Financial Research in 1977. His candidate degree (a theory of money and inflation) was awarded in 1986. In 1986-1987 he was a consultant at the World Bank in Washington D.C. and then secretary of state in Hungary in 1989-1990. President of the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB) in 1990-1991. Chief executive officer of CIB Bank in 1992-1995. From 1995 he was once again president of MNB for six years, at the same time also the governor of IMF in Hungary. In the meantime, afterhis habilitation, he was appointed professor at Corvinus University of Budapest. 2001-2014: Head of IntesaSanpaolo Bank Central Europe, President of CIB, VUB, PBZ, Intesa Belgrade. Board member of Brughel 2003-2007. Member of the National Board of Advisors of Brandeis University, Boston.

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12.30-12.50 Arrival, networking, sandwich lunch

12.50-13.00 Welcome address

13.00-14.00 Nenad Pacek, founder and president of Global Success Advisors and EMEA Business Group, Austria: Macroeconomic analysis of global markets
The following will be discussed: What is the economic outlook for Central and Eastern Europe and Hungary in 2024-2025? What challenges are large companies facing in Europe and Hungary? How should firms plan for 2025? How will the inflationary environment evolve globally and in the region? What can we expect in terms of product prices in the supply chain in the short term? Will order be restored in 2025, according to Nenad?

14.00-15.00 Péter Noszek, CEO of Nestlé Hungária: Economic and market challenges and the present and future of the FMCG market
The following will be discussed: What causes a headache for CEOs? What is the outlook for the FMCG sector? What do consumers want and how can their needs be satisfied? What does sustainability mean in practice? What is the relationship like between retail and the processing industry? How can factories be operated economically? Can Hungarian workers be kept in Hungary?

15.00-15.30 Break

15.30-16.30 Arthur Keleti, cybersecurity futurist, founder of the Info/Cyberspace, Trends, Buzz and Networking Day (ITBN): Corporate cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI)
The following will be discussed: How does AI influence value chains, the value of the people working in them, the services produced, and credibility and security? How has AI evolved so far and how will it develop in the future,? What will be the challenges in connection with deepfake technologies?  How is AI consciousness likely to evolve and how will it influence evolution? What does the problem of protecting cyber secrets in the private sector and at corporate level mean?

16.30-17.30 Zoltán Gazsi, managing director of Eisberg: The soul of the CEO – A human approach
The following will be discussed: What do I call a human approach and what does it mean to me? What forms the basis of a culture of trust and why do I think it is important to make it work? How can communities be sustainable and why are they important? What is the power of a change of perspective? What is stress and what is really wrong with it? How can we decode our body’s signals correctly?

17.30-18.00 Break

18.00-20.00 Roundtable discussion with György Jaksity, founder and chairman of the board at Concorde and György Surányi, former Governor of the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB): Economic policy directions and trends
The following will be discussed: What do the numbers show, which direction is the global economy heading and how well can Hungary keep up? What fiscal policy steps can be taken in Hungary? Where does the MNB go from here? How is inflation developing? What is the Hungary-China summit about and what will be the consequences? Is it interesting from a Hungarian perspective who wins the US elections?

20.00-22.00 Dinner, standing reception

Event moderator: Szilvia Krizsó

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Event partners:


Members of the Lánchíd Klub will also take part in the event:

Hovánszky László elnök; Baja Sándor (Randstad); Balázs Ildikó (Auchan); Balogh Tibor (OMV); Bánhidi Attila (Fornetti); Benedek László (Agroloop); Békefi László (Coca-Cola); Dr. Boros Péter (Graboplast); Csongovai Tamás (BA-HA-MAS); Fazekas Endre; Dr. Fábián Ágnes (Henkel); Fekete Zoltán (Márkaszövetség); Dr. Fischer Béla; Flórián László (Rossmann); Földesi György (Al-Rushaid Group); Gazsi Zoltán (Eisberg); Házi Zoltán; Heiszler Gabriella (SPAR); Hermann Zsuzsanna (Trade Magazin); Jeszenszki Lívia (Real); Justin István (Justin Time); Kedves Ferenc (Partner in Petfood); Laknerfi-Korin Katalin (Zwack Unicum); Dr. Kozák Ákos (lmpetus Research); Dr. Köves András (NT); Krizsó Szilvia (KriShow);  Matus István; Mezei János (Co-op Star); Müller Kornél (Törley); Murányi László; Nagy Sándor; Németh Ottó (Herbow); Noszek Péter (Nestlé); Pálinkás Zsolt (Tesco); Poór Zoltán (Puratos); Rácz József (Prémium Kert); Saltzer Kornél; Sófalvi Attila (Mars); Sóskuti György (Bonafarm); Soltész Gergő (Ostotos Családi Pincészet); Strasser-Kátai Bernadett (Real Nature); Szalókyné Tóth Judit (The Coca-Cola Company); Szautner Péter (FrieslandCampina); Székács Tibor (Avokado); Tarsoly József (Wienerberger) Dr. Tímár Imre (Tanner Trade); Tóth Zoltán (Mindz); Venter Zoltán (Essity); Vuleta Zsolt (Borsodi Sörgyár); Zsinkó Bálint 

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Only pictures, videos and summaries published on the website of Trade magazin can be shared with the reference to the source:

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