Business Days 2012
Business Days 2012 – Tapolca, Hotel Pelion – 26-28 September 2012
Around the World in Three Days – from the ‘Fabulous’ East to the ‘Wild’ West
VIDEO from the conference.
26 September, Wednesday
09.30-10.00 Arrival
10.10-13.00 One Thousand and One Nights – How competitive our food industry is and current trends in Europe’s economic policy
Presentation and roundtable discussion with our experts, economic analysts and representatives of the trade about the economic environment in Hungary and in influential countries, about likely changes and changes in legislation.
Moderator and presenter:
Gábor Gergő Soltész, deputy-CEO, FHB Bank: Credibility lost – Investment and loaning activity hit a nadir
Ferenc Karvalits,vice president, MNB: Where did we start from and where did we get? – Macroeconomic survey of the last 20 years in Hungary and in the region, with an international outlook
Dr. Ákos Kozák, managing director, GfK Hungária: Consumers: say good things about them or say nothing – What is the standard of living in Hungary and abroad?
György Jaksity, president, Concorde: On the wings of thoughts – Where will we be in 5-10 years time?
Members of the Chain Bridge Club will also take part in the discussion:
László Hovánszky, president (Metspa), Dr Jenő Andics (Carneol), Sándor Baja (Randstad), László Benedek (Heineken), Boros Péter (Iglue), Dr Gábor Csirszka (Estraco), Endre Fazekas (SIÓ-ECKES), Zoltán Fekete (Brand Association), Dr Béla Fischer (Sugar Product Council and Sugar Industry Union), György Földesi (Szaúd-Arábia), András Gyenes (Unilever), Zoltán Házi (Budapest Wholesale Market), Zsuzsanna Hermann (Trade magazin), István Justin (Feibra), Ferenc Kedves (PET Food), László Kovács (PICK Szeged), Dr András Köves (NT), Szilvia Krizsó (Krizshow)), Tibor Kujbus (Reál), Péter Magyar (Tradeover), István Matus (Antra ID), Dr Géza Miklósvári (Pepsi Cola), Károly Molitórisz (Univer Product), László Murányi (Co-op Hungary), Tamás Plutzer (Aquarius Aqua/Buszesz), Zoltán Poór (PannonMill), József Rácz (Prémium Kert), Kornél Saltzer (Spar), György Seregi (Bonbonetti), Attila Sófalvi (Tchibo), Gábor Soltész (Ostoros-Novaj Wine), Gábor Gergely Soltész (FHB), Bernadett Strasser-Kátai (MONA), Judit Szalóky Tóth (Nielsen), Tibor Székács (Aldi), László Szilágyi (Bonafarm/Sole-Mizo), József Tarsoly (Coca-Cola), Dr Imre Tímár (Tanner Trade), Zoltán Tóth (Continental Tobacco), György Földesi, Ferenc Kuti, Zsolt Vuleta
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Travels on the Orient Express – Sharing the buffet car with retail
Presentation and roundtable discussion about domestic retail strategies with an outlook on Europe
Moderator and presenter:
Judit Szalókyné Tóth ügyvezető igazgató, Nielsen
Participants of the roundtable discussion:
Lajos Csepeli, president, Co-op Hungary
László Hovánszky, managing director, METSPA
Gerry Gray CEO, Tesco
Tibor Kujbus, head of company, Reál
Vilmos Lázár vice-president, CBA
Roland Ruffing CEO, Metro
Other top-level representatives of retail chains
15.30-15.45 Coffee break
15.45-18.00 Russian roulette for beginners and advanced players – The lure of foreign markets
Presentation and roundtable discussion about export opportunities for Hungarian products and consumer expectations
Moderator and presenter:
Dr András Köves, owner, Casa Azucar: What can be attractive in a nearby country and in a country far away?
Péter Biczó, partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers: Market protecting measures in the European Union
Gábor Ámann,sales director, PICK Szeged: How big a challenge it is to be present everywhere, from Japan to the USA?
György Seregi György commercial director, Bonbonetti: Starting out in new directions – Expanding the portfolio and conquering new markets
János Arany industry manager Google: What can Google do if we have an export product but no marketing?
Participants of the roundtable discussion who do not give presentations:
Ágota Kiss, line manager of agricultural services and consumer goods control, SGS Hungária
Romulus Steinbinder, managing director, Synergon
20.00- The Perfumed Garden – Garden party with surprise programmes
27 September, Thursday
09.00-11.00 Treasure of Silver Lake – Cooperating to expand the FMCG market
Presentation and roundtable discussion about opportunities to increase consumption by the cooperation between manufacturers, retailers and service providers
Moderator and presenter:
Endre Fazekas, CEO, Sió-Eckes
Péter Szabó, marketing director, Unilever: Ice Age – What makes the ice cream market successful?
Györgyné Marosfi, corporate relations director, Univer Products: It cannot be done alone…
Ashley Hicks,commercial director, Tesco and the representative of a strategic supplier partner
Krisztián Gergely, sourcing manager, Metro and Gyula Borbély, Jászkisér Halas, managing director:
The Present and the Future of the Fresh Fish market and production in Hungary
Gábor Lemák, general secretary, Mobile Wallet Association: Winnetou and Old Shatterhand join forces?
Tamás Antal, regional managing director, Mood Média: Sensory marketing is a possible solution – Convincing shoppers and increasing consumption
RobTarrant managing director, Brandbank: Maximise your online sales, minimise your effort
11.00-11.15 Coffee break
11.15-12.30 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – Heads and hunters
Presentation about challenges and innovative solutions on the labour market
Moderator and presenter:
Sándor Baja, managing director, Randstad: Where are we now on an international level?
Frido Diepeveen, sales director, Randstad: Accessible innovative services we might not know about?
Éva Csatlós,HR director, Borsodi: Coaching programme for managers
Edit Safrankó,HR director, Sara Lee: Challenges and reforms now and forever
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-16.00 Rio Carnival – In the whirlwind of brands
Presentation and roundtable discussion about the situation and the value preserving capacity of brands in the years of recession
Moderator and presenter:
Zoltán Fekete, general secretary, Brand Association: What did the years of economic recession bring for brands and brand owners?
Tamás Ács, president, Brand Association and CEO, Mars: The significance of brands–How big is the value of brands in Hungary’s economy?
Judit Szalókyné Tóth, managing director, Nielsen: The battle of brands, the combat of private labels
Andrea Zambelli, CEO, Nestlé: Brand portfolios in Hungary and abroad
Dr Ágnes Fábián, managing director, Henkel: Our brands are the drivers of growth
Csaba Guttengéber, commercial director, Metropol: ‘Being informed the branded way’ –lessons learned in the brand evolution of a free communication tool
Participants of the roundtable discussion who do not give presentations:
Tamás Csongovai, commercial and sourcing director, Co-op Hungary
Dr Géza László, president, Product of the Year
Zsolt Mayer corporate affairs directors, Mars
16.00-16.15 Coffee break
16.15-17.45 DOLCEvita – our VIP sector, the confectionery industry
Presentation and roundtable discussion about the state of play in the confectionery industry, about hardships and market opportunities
Moderator and presenter:
István Justin, managing director, Feibra
Krisztina Bélai, general secretary, Association of the Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers
Participants of the roundtable discussion who do not give presentations:
János Fábián, regional managing director, Storck
Mónika Szilva, business executive manager and László Pribula, business executive manager, Nestlé
Olga Pavlova, managing director, Detki Biscuit
György Seregi, export director, Bonbonetti
Attila Illés, managing director, Bizerba
Other top-level participants
17.45-18.00 Coffee break
18.00-19.00 Alice in Wonderland – Trade Marketing Club meeting: Virtual promotions
Presentation and roundtable discussion about virtual promotions, from retail and online perspective
Ágnes Csiby, director, In-Store Team and Ildikó Havasiné Kátai, general secretary, POPAI Magyarország
Kornél Huber, strategic relations, Origo and the president of the Mobil Branch, DIMSZ
Eszter Melisek, client service director, Nielsen
20.00 Gala dinner, Lifetime Achievement Award presentation ceremony and surprise programmes
28 September,Friday
9.30-12.00 Journey Round the Skulls – Communication for everyone
Presentations about new tools communicating the opinions and demands of consumers
Moderator and presenter:
Péter Boros, president-CEO, Iglue
Csilla Vörös managing director, Nielsen audience measurement: Advertising spending trends and patterns – Who does not have a headache?
István Kozári, commercial director, Origo: … for me Gellért Hill is the Himalayas…
Brigitta Rácz director and Mariann Szabó online sales executive, Charlie’s Angels – The power of the internet
András Táncsics, product management director, Magyar Posta: Butterfly effect – Hungarian Mail's multi-faceted services
Katalin Miczinkó, sales director, Ringier and Zsolt Urbán, CEO, Full Market Hungary: Why New development and cooperation between two companies
Sándor Nagy managing director, G-Roby: Using mobile devices in selling FMCG products
Other top-level presenters
12.00-12.15 Coffee break
12.15-14.00 Gulliver’s Travels – Interactive forum for corporate executives
Discussion about current trends in national economy (our Business Dinner event – held in May – continued)
Szilvia Krizsó, communication expert
Invited experts of the discussion:
Láaszló Dr. Balázs László, elnökségi tag, Bankszövetség and CEO, Volksbank
György Zdeborsky, economist
14.00-15.30 Lunch
We reserve the right to change the programme.
A taster with the highlights of the 2011 conference | ![]() |