An API provides real-time pollen count data globally
Around 22 per cent of the global population suffers from pollen allergies that can cause anything from day-to-day discomfort to chronic illness. Ambee, an India-based climate and environmental data provider, has created Asia’s first pollen-tracking API that provides real-time pollen count data from across the world.

Real-time data could help sufferers plan for their symptoms and develop solutions
The impact of pollen is often underestimated. It is not simply a case of runny noses and tickly throats. Pollen can also exacerbate lung conditions such as asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Tools like Ambee’s are therefore crucial as they help people to manage their exposure.
Ambee uses machine learning to combine information from on-the-ground sensors, satellite imagery, and statistical inference. This increases the accuracy of the dataset, which provides pollen count and risk levels for more than 90 species of pollen, including tree, grass, and weed pollen.
The API can be integrated into websites, apps, and other products that require real-time, accurate pollen data. It’s already used by healthcare, pharma, and weather companies – such as Kleenex, which has seen a 200 per cent increase in its website traffic after using Ambee’s pollen data to market its anti-allergy product.
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