Sparkling weekdays

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2022. 12. 21. 10:30

András Csomay
head of marketing

According to András Csomay, head of marketing at Törley Kft., in countries with a more advanced sparkling wine culture, the drink isn’t only enjoyed at celebratory occasions anymore. Consumers are more receptive to dry sparkling wines than before, and this trend also entails discovering sparkling wines made using the traditional and transvasée methods.

Zsuzsa Garamvári
Garamvári Szőlőbirtok

Zsuzsa Garamvári, co-owner of Garamvári Szőlőbirtok Vinárium Kft.: “Consumer demand for traditionally made sparkling wine has been growing for years, but the current economic situation and rising prices have reduced this demand a bit.”

András Csomay revealed that next spring the Törley brand will roll out a new innovation, trying to show a new and more laid back way of sparkling wine drinking to consumers.

Zsuzsa Garamvári explained that the bulk of their sales is realised through the company’s own wholesaler work. They frequently organise wine tasting events and sparkling wine dinners to promote products.




In Hungary, consumers tend to be more receptive to dry sparkling wines



Truly sparkling

Not everyone knows the difference between semi-sparkling wine, sparkling wine and aerated sparkling wine. Are two types of semi-sparkling wine: natural ones and those made by adding CO2. From these two, natural semi-sparkling wines differ from “normal” sparkling wines only legally, as the pressure in the former is maximum 2.5 bars, while in the latter it is minimum 3 bars. //

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2022.12-01

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