László Perlusz: thousands of businesses in retail have closed, tourism and hospitality are in a difficult situation

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 02. 17. 12:08

László Perlusz, the Secretary General of VOSZ, spoke about his entrepreneurial prospects in 2023 in an interview with InfoRádio. He is fundamentally optimistic, but considers it important that “it is not just one or two large companies that drag down the GDP, most of the SMEs also survive the crisis”.

“We are also very much looking forward to the growth turnaround, we really want it. We are not as optimistic as many actors, but basically we are also optimistic. In the last three years, we have gone from one crisis to another, it started with the Covid crisis, then came the raw material , raw material supply problems, shortages arose, even a car had to be waited as slowly as 30 years ago. Then came the prices of energy carriers, as well as the interest and exchange rate problems of the past year.”

– László Perlusz, Secretary General of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers, listed on InfoRádio.

“We see that thousands of businesses in retail trade have pulled down the curtain, this does not mean an economic collapse, but for example the tourism and hospitality industry as a whole is in a very difficult situation, they are waiting for the spring and summer, the launch”

– he added.