
Kovács Zoltán: no government regulation about Sunday exemption yet

All sorts of doubtful speculations appear in the media in connection with the exemption under the Sunday store closure including which stores can get exemption. Kovács Zoltán government spokesman told...

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The French National Assembly adopted the Government proposal on the extension of Sunday opening

On Saturday, the French National Assembly adopted the French Government’s proposal on the extension of Sunday opening. It was one of the most controversial issue of the economic reform package....

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The Czech breweries closed a good year in 2014

The Czech breweries had a good year last year. Both the Prazdroj in Pilsner and the Budvar in Budejovice reported an increase. The Prazdroj is the Czech Republic's largest brewery...

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The pollen substitute feed was GMO-contaminated

The beekeeper association was able to warn the honey producers that a GMO-contaminated feed was marketed in Hungary. The Hungarian bees have not met yet with the pollen substitute bee...

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An international research team found the genetic basis of obesity

An international team of scientists revealed more than 90 new gene areas, which may explain why some people are more prone to obesity. Researchers examined the gene pool of more...

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Trends in paper packaging / We have entered the age of reduction

The overall economic situation always has strong influence on the most important packaging material segment. Thanks to the recently commenced GDP growth in Hungary and the positive international economic climate,...

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Packaging weight is shrinking, but the industry isn’t

Miklós Nagy, general secretary of the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ) told our magazine that in 2013 the Hungarian packaging industry realised a turnover of HUF 477...

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Many people use the opportunities of the loan program

The total loan portfolio of the national economy, compared to the previous quarter continued to increase. The stock value in the third quarter of 2014 increased to 6,705.3 billion HU,...

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EP: the origin of the meat must also be indicated on the packaging

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling on the Commission to introduce mandatory labeling of the origin of all meats used in ready-prepared meals. The 2013 horsemeat scandal, which...

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PwC: the world economy may grow by an annual 3 percent between 2014 and 2050

he projections came in the consultancy’s latest “World in 2050” report, which provides growth forecasts for 32 of the world’s largest economies, accounting for around 84 percent of global gross...

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The oranges tested by the Nébih meet the quality standards

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested 10 kinds and varieties of oranges with different origins. All of them fully met the quality standards – the Nébih told MTI...

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The Hungarian-Turkish trade in goods increase to its fivefold

The bilateral trade of goods since 2002 increased to fivefold between Hungary and Turkey: there are great opportunities in the economic cooperation between the to countries in tourism and in...

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Retail sales declined further in the United States

The retail sales in the US declined by 0.8 percent, more than expected 0.5 percent in January, compared to December – the US Commerce Department announced on Thursday. The retail...

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Jeeps packed with smuggled cigarettes were seized

Jeeps packed with more than 24 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were seized by the finance inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Authority near Tarpa Dávid Zoltán press officer...

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Magazine: Our mobile can now serve as a digital wallet

After the test period Telekom was the first mobile service provider to launch its commercial Mobile Wallet service, which transforms our mobiles into digital wallets. Those who wish to use...

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KSH: consumer prices fell by 1.4 percent in January

The consumer prices decreased by 1.4 percent in January 2015, compared to the first month of the previous year, while compared to December2014 were0.2 percent lower – the Central Statistical...

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Magazine: ‘Below in the valley the flowers are resplendent’ – for the time being

After the July peak a slow decline started in tobacco retail, but September data still show better results than many in the sector expected. The seasonal drop forecasted from

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NAV: more and more people are interested in ekáer and online cash machines from abroad

More and more foreign tax professionals interested towards the electronic road freight control system (ekáer) and towards the online cash registers, because every government needs to improve its revenue collection,...

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The effects of the new toll system

On the busiest days in January nearly 30 percent more vehicles crossed the alternative routes of the road sections that became tolled, compared to the same period of the last...

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The online industrial auctions are increasingly popular in Hungary

The online auctions are becoming more popular among both the sellers and the buyers in which industrial and commercial enterprises auctioned their tools in large quantities. The process is beneficial...

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Actimel survey: one-third of the respondents do not regularly eat breakfast

According to the Actimel Breakfast Routine Survey carried out in January 2015, 33 percent of the surveyed 600 adults between the ages of 25 and 60 do not eat breakfast...

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Changing development priorities

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) announced that the government and the European Commission agreed on EUR 34 billion in funding from the European Union. Together with the necessary own resources...

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Place of origin is important information

According to the latest 1,000-person shopper survey by Perception Research Services (PRS) published in British trade magazine The Grocer, 89 percent of Brits check where the fresh product they buy...

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The turnover of cosmetics and household chemicals increased in the terms of volume as well

The sales volume of retail from cosmetics and household chemicals was 333 billion HUF in 2014; 6 percent more than a year earlier. In terms of volume the sales increased...

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Lázár: the advertising tax remains

The advertising tax remains the most important objective of the government to maintain the system of special taxes – Lázár János, the Minister, leading the Prime Minister's Office told in...

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The government expects the banks to pick up small business loans in exchange for the tax reduction

Rogán Antal, the parliamentary group leader of Fidesz, mentioned the condition of the bank tax reduction that the banks to start up the lending to the small and medium-sized enterprises,...

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The analysts expect imports to pick up

The domestic foreign trade surplus continues to be very high – according to analysts polled by MTI, who expect a picking up of import this year. According to the first...

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KSH: the number of cattle and swine increased further

The increase in cattle stocks continued, so by the end of 2014 their number exceeded 800 thousand. The number of pigs is over more than 3 million again – the...

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Europe's largest illegal cigarette factory was detected in Vecsés

Europe's largest illegal cigarette factory was detected in Vecsés – the staff of the National Tax and Customs Authority announced at a press conference on Tuesday. Photo: NAV At the...

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The German exports may break record this year again

The German economy’s export can break a record again after 2014 – according to the forecast of the Association of German foreign and wholesale companies (BGA). According to the German...

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