
Agriculture can meet the challenges through the farming community

With the persistence, knowledge and efforts of the Hungarian farming community, the Hungarian agriculture and food industry can meet the challenges before it and find the answers that can ensure...

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Unilever to spin-off ice cream business

Alongside the spin-off, Unilever announced a “productivity programme”, which will hit 7,500 jobs. Unilever has announced plans to separate its ice cream business from the company. In a statement, the...

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The regulation concerning crop-enhancing substances has been amended

The relicensing procedure has ended, and the license has automatically become indefinite for all crop-enhancing substances that had a license document valid on January 1, 2024. Another significant change is that...

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Important deadline in the SZÉP card case

The government decree draws the attention of SZÉP card users to new changes and important deadlines, based on which banks may charge a fee for unspent benefits. However, due to...

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Will there be drone food delivery in Hungary?

Foodora has reached a milestone, being the first to start delivering food with drones, in cooperation with the companies Tele2 and Aerit. The innovation will be implemented for the first...

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Are the many self-service checkouts problematic?

The spread of self-service cash registers is increasingly associated with an increase in shoplifting, which causes serious losses for retailers. According to a recent survey, nearly 14% of customers admitted...

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Domestic subscription e-commerce could explode

According to industry forecasts, the subscription model of global e-commerce expands by more than 50 percent annually, while in Hungary even greater growth is possible due to the low penetration....

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Easter price drop: holiday products are up to 30% cheaper than a year ago

The prices of the most popular and popular products on the festive table this Easter season are significantly lower than in 2023. The price drop primarily affects goods procured from...

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GKI expects a 3.5% drop in purchased consumption in 2024

In its late December publication, GKI essentially confirmed its September forecast for 2023-2024. GKI lowered its inflation forecast from 18% to 17.7% in 2023 and from 7% to 6.5% in...

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The difference between the producer and consumer price of eggs is gross

After the end of the price cap, legislation came into effect that obliges supermarket chains with high turnover to sell eggs at the gross purchase price. As a result, the...

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Inflation moderated in the euro zone and the EU in February

In February, inflation of 2.6 percent, which was lower than in January, corresponding to the preliminary value, emerged in the euro area, based on the final data published by Eurostat,...

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Business sentiment in German retail deteriorated in February

In February, the German retail industry business sentiment index of the ifo economic research institute of the University of Munich deteriorated. Based on the results published on the website of...

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Electronic payment is becoming more and more important

The spread of electronic payments can be felt more and more clearly in Hungary, which shows an increasing trend every year. According to the professional article published by the MNB,...

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The increase in the price of furniture has stopped

The increase in the price of furniture in the long term continues to paint a worrying picture in Hungary, although according to the latest data, the wave of inflation seems...

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Monster Energy rolls out alcoholic ice tea

In January Monster Energy launched a range of hard ice tea products called Nasty Beast. The products contain 6% alcohol and are available in three flavours. Nasty Beast follows the...

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What makes a successful Christmas television ad?

Trade magazin launched the first Christmas TV ad competition last December. The submitted commercials were voted on by the public between 5 and 20 December. Lidl’s ad was voted the...

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Our country supports Chad’s agriculture with seeds

It would help Chad’s agriculture and stability with an agricultural consulting program, a model farm, and higher education collaborations – declared Minister István Nagy, who held talks with Minister of...

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PepsiCo Marks 50 Years In Ireland With ‘50for50’ Campaign

PepsiCo is celebrating 50 years in Ireland with is ‘50for50’ campaign, which will see employees support their local community with 50 good deeds during the year. The drinks and snacks...

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Younger Consumers Choose Sustainable Packaging, Study Finds

More than half (54%) of consumers aged between 18 and 34 said that they choose products with sustainable packaging ‘always’ or ‘often’, a new study from ALPLA has found. This...

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The model farm in Kenya, built with the financing of the Ministry of Agriculture, was handed over

The model farm in Kenya funded by the Ministry of Agriculture will help strengthen food security in Africa, Minister István Nagy said at the project’s presentation on Friday. During the...

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dm tests filling stations in Germany

Nuts, lentils, spelt pasta, muesli or coffee: in 15 selected dm stores in Hessen, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony, customers have the opportunity under a recent dmBio pilot project to...

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The EU proposes a revision of the common agricultural policy to support EU farmers

The European Commission proposes a targeted revision of certain conditions of the regulation on the strategic plans of the common agricultural policy (CAP) in order to ease the administrative burden...

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Research: we fear bad Easter ham

For Hungarians, Easter is still considered a holiday celebrated at home, with family, of which traditional foods, such as Easter ham, are an essential part. The representative research commissioned by...

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European Commission: cosmetics lead the list of dangerous non-food products

According to the 2023 report of the EU rapid alert system for non-food products, cosmetics were the most common type of product posing a health risk, the European Commission announced...

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The European Court of Justice can decide whether the shops passed the price cap

Spar filed a complaint with the European Union regarding the Hungarian government’s retail measures. According to the Netherlands-based company, the special retail tax and the price cap contradict the EU...

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How to find the best Hungarian brands? The MagyarBrands Programme will help you!

The MagyarBrands Programme has been assessing Hungarian brands for fourteen years. Its logo is a trademark that marks only the best Hungarian brands. This article is available for reading in...

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Bottles with a deposit? There is still a lot of packaging waste in the food industry

With the appearance of the first deposit-fee bottles, the transition period started, which lasts until the end of summer, when the same product is even available in two different packages....

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The Croatian government limits the prices of 30 basic foods

At its meeting on Thursday, the Croatian government adopted its sixth comprehensive package of measures developed to alleviate the crisis caused by the rise in living costs, with which it...

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EXIM: the momentum of the Gábor Baross Loan Program is unbroken

The momentum of the Gábor Baross Loan Program is unbroken, in just two months, Hungarian businesses signed loan agreements worth more than HUF 139 billion, the 200 billion HUF surplus...

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Foodwatch questions the healthiness of plant-based meat substitutes

A „Veganuary” alkalmából a Foodwatch fogyasztóvédelmi szervezet 15 tisztán növényi alapú húshelyettesítő terméket vett górcső alá. Az eredmény: e termékek egészségessége meglehetősen ellentmondásos. This article is available for reading in Trade...

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