
KSH: retail sales increased by 7.2 percent in May

According to the raw data, the volume of retail stores’ turnover was 7.2 percent higher, while calendar effect adjusted was 7.8 percent higher, compared to the same period of the...

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KSH foreign trade surplus was 517 million euros in April

In April, the volume of exports increased by 11.7 and its imports grew by 16.2 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, while the foreign trade surplus...

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A further 21 billion HUF was decided in the Rural Development Program

Within the Rural Development Program, decision was born about the support 634 applications in a value of more than 21 billion forints in June – Kis Miklós, Minister of State...

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(HU) Erősödik a cukorkák piaca

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Insects can be the new protein source

Next year, it is expected that the use of insect protein in poultry feed in the EU is likely to be a major explosion in the segment – wrote....

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Magazine: Some don’t like it hot

Sole-Mizo Zrt. put the Mizo Coffee Selection product range on the Hungarian market in April 2017, and it became the market leader in just a few months. Nielsen data shows that...

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The Ministry of Agriculture extends the summer food chain control

The summer control that covers all branches of the food chain is expanding with new target areas, so from now, until 20 August, more products, events and sales venues are...

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Global wheat crops may decline

The unexpected April heat stress can affect yields negatively in Scandinavian countries in the northern areas of Germany, in Poland and in the Baltic States. According to the experts of...

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Wages grew at the fastest pace in Hungary among the four Visegrád countries

In the group of the Visegrád four, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland, Wages grew at the fastest pace in Hungary and the slowest in Poland – according to TASR,...

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In the first quarter, euro area and EU GDP growth slowed down

According to Eurostat’s statistical data released on Thursday, according to the preliminary data, economic growth in both the euro area and the EU slowed down as a result of the...

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There will be many novelties at the 8th Rozé Festival in Villány

The 8th Rozé Festival in Villány awaits its guests with many novelties – including Hungarian-Croatian culinary adventures, and stifolder and kulen making competitions. The 8th Rozé Festival in Villány will...

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German retail sales significantly lagged behind expectations in May

German retail sales are far behind the expectations in May – according to a statement issued by Destatis on Friday. In May, retail sales declined by 1.6 percent compared to...

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Almost 45,000 sick pigs to be killed in Romania

Almost 45,000 pigs to bedestroyed in Romania in a Tulcea county farm where an African swine fever epidemic was detected – the Romanian Veterinary and Food Safety Authority announced on...

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Consumer sentiment improved in the United States

June’s consumer sentiment improved in the United States – the regular monthly survey of the University of Michigan revealed. In June, the final consumer sentiment index increased to 98.2 points...

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Romania’s retail trade performs well

The volume of retail sales grew by 6.5 percent in the first four months of the year, compared to a year before – according to the Romanian National Statistical Institute....

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Magazine: We care more about oral hygiene

Data provided by Johnson&Johnson reveals that from the oral care category’s three segments toothpaste is the biggest, but mouthwash is growing and getting close to toothbrush. (Source: Nielsen, FMCG Overview, Market...

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The profit of wineries has decreased

Four years ago, companies dealing with the production of grape wine had billions of HUF losses, but last year, the sector gained minimal profits – Világgazdaság Online wrote. Last year,...

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Fruit classifier capacity to be expanded in Kisvejke

The fruit classifying capacity to be increased twofold with a 180 million HUF investment in Kisvejke, Tolna County, where the country’s largest apricot plants can be found. The local government...

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OECD discusses the system of online cash registers in Budapest

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been discussing the system of online cash registers in Budapest to gather the best international experiences – the National Taxation and...

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Small farms dominate EU agriculture

In the EU Member States in 2016, 10.3 million farms were operating on 171 million hectares, two thirds of them had less than 5 hectares are and only 11 percent...

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An application was announced for the development of Pest county’s local markets

The Ministry of Finance (PM) announced an application for the support of the development of Pest county markets for municipalities in the value of two billion forints – the Minister...

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Changes to the regulations on food and drink vending machines have been published

The changes to the regulations on the operation of food and drink vending machines and the support for the purchase of automatic supervision units were published in the Hungarian Gazette...

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The Paks International Gastroblues Festival is awaiting the audience

Concerts, cooking competitions, traditional hungarian food and drinks show, as well with the participation of foreign and Hungarian performers, the Paks International Gastroblues Festival will be open to the fans...

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The growth of Czech retail sales accelerated

In April, annual growth rate of retail sales grew by 5.6 percent in the Czech Republic from the 3.9 percent of March – the Czech Statistics Office announced on Tuesday...

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Magazine: The salami end isn’t here yet

In the second half of 2017 the regulations in the Hungarian Food Book became stricter and this affected the cured meat market too: many products don’t qualify as salami and...

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Harvest began weeks earlier this year

The harvest of arable crops this year has started more than a few weeks earlier because of the extremely hot weather – the Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Retail has been growing steadily for 58 months

Retail sales have been growing steadily for 58 months – Pomázi Gyula, the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) told M1 news channel on...

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KSH: employment continued to increase

In the March-May period, the average number of employees was 4 million 457 thousand, 64 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of the 15-64 year olds grew...

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GVI: business confidence set a record

The level of business confidence in Hungary has slightly improved in the second quarter, compared to the first quarter, according to a survey conducted by the Hungarian Institute of Economics...

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