
The pasta market is buzzing

Last year’s drop in real wages also led to a few percent decline in volume sales in the pasta market. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7...

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Agrarszektor: this is why Hungarian agriculture is lagging behind

It is worthwhile to be more efficient and advanced in agricultural production, but it is difficult to grasp how this should be achieved, knowing that Hungarian agricultural production differs significantly...

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The rules on the import of Ukrainian products into the EU without customs duties and quantitative restrictions came into force

The legislation that extends the import of Ukrainian products into the EU without customs duties and quantitative restrictions has entered into force, the European Commission announced on Thursday. According to...

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Smurfit Kappa acquires Bag-in-Box plant in Bulgaria

Smurfit Kappa, one of the world’s leading providers of sustainable packaging solutions, has announced it has signed an agreement to acquire Artemis Ltd., a Bag-in-Box packaging plant located in Shumen,...

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The turnover of agricultural machinery fell by more than 50 percent

The willingness of Hungarian farmers to purchase machinery continued to rise continuously for years, until the first quarter of the previous year.In recent years, thanks to the call for tenders...

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Walmart launching beta of customer behavior solution for suppliers

Walmart will provide a broader range of shopper insights to its supplier partners. On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the retail giant’s Walmart Data Ventures division is rolling out the beta...

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Switching Food And Drink Purchases Could Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions By A Quarter

Switching food and drink purchases to more environmentally-friendly alternatives could reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from everyday grocery purchases by more than a quarter, a new study has found. The...

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A replenished Agricultural Damage Mitigation Fund helps producers affected by the damage

The reassuring information for the farmers who suffered damage this year is that about HUF 25 billion is available in the 2024 damage mitigation fund from the payments of the...

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KSH: in April, retail turnover increased by 3.2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year

In April 2024, according to the raw data, the turnover volume of retail trade increased by 3.7 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, adjusted for the...

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In the euro area and the EU, retail sales decreased on a monthly basis in April

In a monthly comparison, retail sales in the euro area and the European Union decreased in April. According to data published on Thursday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the...

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FMCG retailer ranking 2023 is out now

Lidl, SPAR and Tesco are the top three, but there are changes! FMCG retail had a difficult year, with the inflation – which was particularly high in the sector –...

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OKSZ’s food retailer member companies are at the forefront of food donation

The reduction of food waste is treated as a priority task by international or mixed-owned food retailers operating in Hungary. Waste loss is reduced to a minimum with automated product...

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NGM: the recovery of consumption continued, the volume of retail trade increased again in April

Overall, the significant increase in retail turnover indicates that as a result of the government measures, consumption is in the recovery phase, this process is substantially supported by the suppression...

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According to the association of egg producers, Penny Market threatens the Hungarian market with cheap imported eggs

Cheap foreign table eggs have appeared in Penny Market’s Hungarian store network, according to the Association of Hungarian Egg Hybrid Breeders and Egg Producers, the store chain’s move could lead...

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Innovation Day for the fourth time this year

This year’s Innovation Day event and the awards ceremony of the Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2024 competition was organised at Hungexpo on 16 May. This article is...

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The results of the Hungarian beer industry in 2023: mixed performance from the big producers

The 2023 business year brought various challenges and successes for Hungarian beer producers. While net sales increased among the four leading beer producers – Borsodi, Heineken, Dreher, and Carlsberg –...

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The best breads in Hungary were selected

The XIII. organized by the Hungarian Bakers’ Association ended today with the second round of judging. Saint Stephen’s Day Bread Competition, for which nearly 100 products were entered by Hungarian-owned...

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Metro AG reports 7.2% sales growth in the second quarter

Metro AG reported a 7.2% sales growth in the second quarter of its financial year, with all business segments and channels contributing to this growth. This article is available for...

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In April, retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by 5.3 percent

In April, the retail turnover in the Czech Republic rose by 5.3 percent compared to a year earlier, after the 5.8 percent increase in March, the Czech Statistical Office announced...

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Dél-100 had a busy and successful year

2023 was a busy year in the life of both Dél-100 Kft. and the two franchise networks it operates. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 Dél-100...

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Comfort above all

Convenience products are prepared, semi-prepared or ready-to-cook foods that make cooking easier or simpler. NMS Hungary wanted to know how the consumption of convenience products has changed over the last...

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Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and the FAO continues to expand

Dr. Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy State Secretary, received Anping Ye, Director of South-South and Trilateral Cooperation (SSTC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), at the Ministry...

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Agrometeorology: the rainy early summer period associated with the Medárd day started weeks earlier

This year, the rainy early summer period associated with Medárd’s Day began weeks earlier than usual: the rainy and thundery weather of the past three weeks significantly reduced the accumulated...

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Puratos opens new sourdough research facility

Puratos has opened a new research facility in Sankt Vith, Belgium, called the Sourdough Institute. The company said this facility is “dedicated to celebrating the art, science and potential of...

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Rossmann expands into Switzerland

Rossmann, the highly popular drugstore chain in Switzerland, is to open its first store in the heart of the country at the end of the year, with more stores to...

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The NAK Szántóföldi Days were successful again this year

The NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show–Mezőfalva on June 5-6, 2024 took place again with great interest. At the country’s largest arable exhibition, the organizers focused on presenting sustainable farming...

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Bezos Earth Fund Opens Sustainable Protein Centre In North Carolina

The Bezos Earth Fund is confident that its new Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein at North Carolina State University will become a ‘biomanufacturing hub for dietary proteins that are environmentally...

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A virus threatening sweet potatoes has appeared in domestic propagating material production

From a phytosanitary point of view, a virus that damages sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) has appeared in our country. Although experts have previously detected the virus causing chlorotic dwarfism in the...

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Don Francesco durum-based soup noodles

Durum-based soup noodles in 200g and 3,000g size that stand alone in the pre-packaged and gastro markets, in three popular formats: spiral, strawberry leaf and thread. Contact: Mary-Ker Pasta Kft. Anita...

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The latest issue of Trade magazin is out now!

The digital version is available with more content once again and can be read by clicking on the front page below – until the print edition arrives. But what does...

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