
IHS Markit: eurozone economic performance boosted in April

Eurozone private sector performance rose in April for the second consecutive month in April, after manufacturing output grew at its strongest pace for more than 23 years, and after a...

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Ifo’s April German business sentiment index fell short of expectations

The German business sentiment index improved less than expected in April, according to a survey by the ifo Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich. The business sentiment...

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Those who were vaccinated can receive relief in Germany

Those vaccinated against the virus-caused disease (Covid-19) in Germany could be exempted from some restrictions to slow the spread of the new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), according to plans leaked...

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Consumer & Shopper Insights post-COVID at Shop! CoLabs

The renewed central leadership of POPAI and Shop! assotiations started the CoLabs innovative, relevant, fresh initiative with great succes. The CoLabs idea generator incubator events’ targetted to fill online events...

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(HU) NAK: A gazdálkodó szervezeteknek június 15-ig kell befizetni a kamarai tagdíjat

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Fidelity: e-commerce is catching up in Latin-America

E-commerce growth has accelerated worldwide, and Latin America has not been immune to this trend either. Nevertheless, the region continues to have a low penetration level and there is great...

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Grilling time is on!

As the good spring weather arrives, we increasingly crave the outdoors, not only for the sake of movement and sunshine, but also to eat a delicious one in the family...

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More and more glass waste is being generated

Today, more and more glass waste is being generated, which is several times more than in previous decades. In Hungary, this number is about 100,000 tonnes of packaging bottles per...

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Herbalexikon is for everybody interested in herbs

Together with health awareness, there is also a growing interest in herbs. Recognizing this, Herbalexikon cards were born, which can easily teach you which herbs to know while playing.  ...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index approached its pre-crisis level in April

After a modest decline in February, GKI’s economic sentiment index rose to a lesser ex-tent in March. However, it approached its otherwise fairly low top level since the start of...

Read more Not all terraces are re-opening

According to commercial authorities’ records, in 2020 and 2021, a tenth of restaurants have already announced the cessation of their activities. And then there are those who didn’t do it. ...

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Farmers markets are getting increasingly popular

With the support of farmers’ markets, the government wants to continue to support local producers and mitigate the economic damage caused by the coronavirus, the agriculture minister said on Saturday....

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The government aims to strengthen local producers even after the pandemic

By supporting producer markets, the government wants to continue to support local producers and mitigate the economic damage caused by the coronavirus – the agriculture minister said in Üllő on...

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The deadline is extended by the Chamber of Agriculture for individuals

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has postponed the establishment and payment of this year’s chamber membership fee for individuals until the second half of the year, but economic organizations...

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ITM: Entrepreneurship Workshop on the most important consumer protection rule changes

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) said that the event can be followed live on Tuesday in an interface available after a simple registration. The presentations will soon be...

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Consumer confidence improved in April in the euro area and in the EU

Consumer confidence in the euro area and the European Union has improved markedly in April, according to a preliminary flash estimate published by the European Commission on Thursday. In the...

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Brands incentivize people to get vaccinated in the U.S.

Budweiser is among the brands that are giving away free products to support vaccine awareness and incentivize people to get vaccinated. More than half of adults in the U.S. have received...

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Record growth in the food industry in 2020

The global food sector achieved a record 10% increase last year, largely due to restrictions preventing the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, which caused people stuck at home to cook,...

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Flyers are a global issue

Millions of copies of advertising newspapers are sent to consumers or inboxes every week. More and more advertising material, unread, just piles up in front of blocks, end up in...

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We sped around 3000 HUF on coffee

We are almost used to the fact that coronavirus rewrote all our habits, even when it comes to coffee. We spend more on coffee at home, take our usual brand...

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Coronavirus vaccination: online appointment booker opened

From now on, anyone with a valid registration can book an online vaccination time for the coronavirus vaccination. As of today, the online vaccination scheduler has opened. From now on,...

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AM: tenders appear in the value of hundreds of billions of forints

The Renewable Countryside, Renewable Agriculture Program provides and strengthens Hungarian agriculture and the food industry with a historic level of development, said Minister of Agriculture Nagy István in a statement...

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Planet Budapest 2021: the most significant sustainability challenges

According to nearly 80 percent of Hungarians, the population, companies and politics must do everything in order for the sustainability turn to be successful, according to a representative study commissioned...

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African swine fever: Another 25,000 animals are killed in Romania

The Romanian authorities have decided to destroy another 25,000 pigs after the Romanian Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) detected the African swine fever (ASF) virus on a pig farm...

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Private Label Today

First published in 1998, PLMA’s International Private Label Yearbook now covers trends in more than 7,000 product categories. According to Nielsen retailer brands sustained their market share position above 30%,...

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We love to spend money following influencers

A fifth of Hungarians believe in the products or services offered by opinion leaders, according to a recent survey of opinion leaders. According to the Cofidis Credit Monitor, most of...

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Optimism for SMEs strengthens, but investment is still cautiously planned

The negative impact of the epidemic appears to be slowly easing among domestic SMEs, as the number of people whose turnover has decreased compared to the second wave has decreased,...

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Ministry of Agriculture: Tenders worth hundreds of billions of forints are published

The renewable rural, renewable agricultural programme will give the Hungarian agriculture and food industry a historic development opportunity, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture....

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Ministry of Agriculture: by purchasing Hungarian products, we support local economy

By purchasing Hungarian products, we support the prosperity of thousands of Hungarian families and contribute to the protection of jobs in Hungary, to the recovery and development of the Hungarian...

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NAK: reform of the Common Agricultural Policy may be risky  

Without a comprehensive impact assessment, the chambers of agriculture of the V4+ countries consider the finalisation of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and the ‘Farm to Table’ and...

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