
Table of the Hungarians: the roasted goose was prepared by a master chef from Kecskemét

Traditional roast turkey was prepared on Sunday in Kecskemét in the scope of the You are at home! I love You Hungary! series of events of the Hungarian Television. The...

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This year's Oktoberfest is quite peaceful

The Oktoberfest has a new supervisor: For the first time, Dieter Reiter, head of the Munich economy division, is responsible for everything connected to the organization of the Oktoberfest. He...

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The Greek peaches have inimitable success in the international markets

The fruit and vegetable exports, thanks to the high-quality products, is one of the leading sectors of the Greek economy. The European Union pays special attention to promote the unique...

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Beer festival in Pozsony for the second time

The Staromestsky Beerfest will be held for the second time in Pozsony. The event starts on Friday afternoon at 4 pm and lasts for two days. At the festival this...

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Gundel prize and MVI galaevening


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Lali is back in the race again

The Gold Friday program of Aranyászok – created by the Human Telex Advertising Agency for the third year – is on the shortlist of EFFIE again and will compete this...

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Géza Garbot, Kalim Pál, Kan Tóni and Szívós Sándor in the Buda Castle

The new, limited edition series of Szemtelen pálinka series to be debuted at the Pálinka and Sausage Festival in Budapest. The 40, 50, 60, 70 degrees spirits will be represented...

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Paprika Festival in Szeged

You can learn everything about peppers on 5 October in Szeged-Alsóvároson. The festival presents the past and present of paprika, the countless ways of using and its special types. The...

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Outstanding choirs will take part at the European Wine Song Festival

Choirs representing the highest quality will perform at the European Wine Song Festival between 27 and 28 September in several wine cellars of the Villány wine region and in Pécs....

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Two hundred types of food prepared of cabbage in Demecser at the weekend

Nearly a hundred cooking teams will prepare more than two hundred special cabbage foods, including stuffed, toros and Székely cabbages on Saturday and Sunday at the 9th Cabbage Days in...

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Hungarian food products at the the Polish agricultural show

Hungarian foods will debut at the POLAGRA agricultural exhibition in Poznan. At the event’s opening ceremony Kardeván Endre Minister of State Ministry of Rural Development (VM) responsible for Food Chain...

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The Kapos menti Gastro Cultural Festival promotes Rákóczi cottage cheese

In addition to the promotion of the Rákóczi cottage cheese, Rákóczi János master chef will also be commemorated on 27 and 28 September at the Kapos menti Gastro Cultural Festival...

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Adopt a pálinka plum tree in the Buda Castle

The Békési Pálinkaház launches an unconventional initiative at the Buda Castle Pálinka and Sausage Festival opening on 3 October. At the stall anyone can adopt the a plum tree, and...

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The 6th Sustainability Day is coming

Idén hatodik alkalommal kerül megrendezésre az esemény A Magyar Telekom idén is párbeszédet kezdeményez fenntarthatóság témában: 2013-ban már hatodik alkalommal kerül megrendezésre a Fenntarthatósági Nap elnevezésű konferencia.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nA rendezvény a többi...

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The COPA elected a Hungarian Vice-President

Kis Miklós Zsolt the General president of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) was elected as the Vice-President of the most influential European-level representation of the interests of individual...

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Hungarian pálinka festival held for the first time in America

Hungarian pálinka festival was held for the first time in the United States, in Linden, New Jersey. At the event, more than five hundred people participated. The income of the...

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Borvirág Wineclub – With Bacchus… and music!

The wine-tasting event's goal is to deepen the wine culture of women and to make the purchase decision easier, which often seems difficult. Further information about previous programmes can be...

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The third Sweet Days Festival has been opened

The third Sweet Days Festival opened its gates Friday morning in the Millenáris Park in Budapest. This year’s guest country of the three-day festival is Switzerland. “They say nine out...

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Kaszás Géza: If I fail in filming, I’ll sell hot dogs!

According to the Hungarian celebrities, American whiskey is good with American hot dog, so they took control. At the rockabilly party Hajas Laci, Fábián Anita, Kaszás Géza és Varga Viktor...

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“These wines are playing music” – 3rd Villányi Premium Wine Competition in Pécs

The charity wine presentation – which is designed to promote the survival of wine song festivals – will be held at the Kodály Center in Pécs on 28 September 2013...

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Four and a half million HUF was gathered at the Charity Wine Auction of the Buda Castle Wine Festival

At the Charity Wine Auction 48 items found new owners in a total value of 4.525 million HUF. Compared with the starting price, the highest bid price was paid for...

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World Music and pálinka

This year the Pálinka and Sausage Festival of the Buda Csatle shows the national drink of the Caribbean region, complemented with world music delights on two stages. Just as the...

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OMÉK: 750 exhibitors on 45 thousand square meters

This year, about 750 exhibitors will cover a total area of 45 thousand square meters at the 76th National Agriculture and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK). The five-day event, covering...

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Macaron with pálinka and chocolates in the Buda Castle

Pálinka dessert specialties will be given at an independent site at the of Pálinka and Sausage Festival of the Buda Castle between 3 and 6 October. At the Pálinka and...

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(HU) Nemzetközi zöldség- és gyümölcsfogyasztást ösztönző konferencia lesz Budapesten

The Hungarian capital will give home to an international fruit and vegetable consumption encouraging conference on 20 and 21 September at the National Agriculture and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK)...

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Grey Cattle Festival at the Vajdahunyad castle

The second Grey Cattle Festival was officially opened on Friday in the scope of a professional day in the Vajdahunyad castle. In the hall of the Agricultural Museum, Koppány Gábor,...

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Wine Festival in Szombathely

The Garden of Bacchus series of programs will be organized for the first time in Szombathely – Mérei Tamás, chairman of the Savaria Historical Carnival Non-Profit Foundation Board of Trustees...

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The Paprika Festival of Kalocsa was opened

The 24th Kalocsa Paprika Festival was opened on Saturday, as well as the 17th Paprika Food Cooking Competition. Török Ferenc (FIDESZ), mayor of Kalocsa in his speech pointed out that...

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The Coop Rally is promoting Hungarian products

This year’s 8th Coop Rally, the Coop Group's cross-country tour aims to promote the consumption of Hungarian products. For the first time Fazekas Sándor, the Minister of Rural Development also...

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Haluska festival in Vanyarc

The tenth Haluska festival will be organized on Saturday in Vanyarc, Nógrád county. The event, celebrating its 10th anniversary will await the audience with cooking competition and folk dance groups...

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