
Croatia’s Studenac Partners With Family Farms In Slavonia Region

Croatian retailer Studenac has announced it is strengthening its ties with family-run farms in the country’s northeastern region of Slavonia, as part of its ‘One Step Closer to Community’ programme....

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This year, the Ukrainian grain harvest may be somewhat larger than last year

The Ukrainian agricultural consulting company APK-Inform has worsened its forecast for Ukraine’s grain harvest this year, but the amount will still modestly exceed last year. The organization calculates that this...

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The 81st National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition and Fair has opened

Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century, thanks to the development resources it can return to the forefront of Europe within a few years – said...

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The regulation of the labeling of genetically modified foods has changed

An issue that fundamentally determines people’s quality of life is on the “table” of the European Parliament, which the Hungarian Parliament has also recently put on the agenda. The stake...

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Magyarországra is megérkezett az ikonikus IKEA hot dog húsmentes változata

Az immár 40 éve nagy népszerűségnek örvendő IKEA hot dog az IKEA növényi alapú termékcsaládjának legújabb tagja, amely augusztus 15-től mindhárom hazai IKEA-­áruház bisztrójában kapható. Akik otthon szeretnék elkészíteni a növényi...

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Egyre jobban hajlunk a hajápolásra

A járvány alatt átrendeződő fogyasztói szokások még mindig erősen érezhetőek a hajápolási piacon. A megnövekedett otthon töltött idő, a korábban fodrász által végzett kezelések otthoni rutinba való beépítése továbbra is megmaradt....

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HelloParks was named the best warehouse and industrial real estate developer of the year

EuropaProperty organized the international CRE Awards for the 5th time this year, where HelloParks won in two categories. The Futureal group company won the Warehouse and Industrial Property Developer of...

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Tips for safe online shopping

It’s time to talk about the importance of protection – when it comes to online shopping, that is. We wake up and go to bed with the Internet, we provide...

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Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century

Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century, thanks to the development resources it can return to the forefront of Europe within a few years – said...

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Hard times, strong business leaders: despite the challenges, optimism for the future persists!

Although they see no more reason to be optimistic, it seems that the progressive domestic business leaders do not allow themselves to be dissuaded from their positive vision of the...

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A device developed in Hungary helps to slow down the spread of the Asian horse wasp in Hungary

A Hungarian-developed tool helps to slow down the domestic spread of the Asian horse wasp: this summer, individuals of the invasive wasp species coming from Europe were observed in Hungary...

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Mid Europa Partners Seeks Buyer For Romania’s Profi

Private equity firm Mid Europa Partners is reportedly looking to sell the Romanian retail chain Profi for €1 billion. The firm has hired investment bank Citi to find a buyer,...

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Consumers Are More Accepting of Ultra-Processed Foods if They Contain Healthier, More Nutritious Ingredients: Ayana Bio

More than half of Americans (57%) believe ultra-processed foods have a negative impact on health. But two-thirds would eat more and even pay more for ultra-processed foods that contain more...

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The Hungarian agriculture and food industry may face a rebirth

The Hungarian agriculture and food industry could be on the verge of rebirth if it manages to find good answers to the challenges defining the 21st century – said the...

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These are the winners: We have the best webshops of this year

The Webshop of the Year Conference and Competition was organized again, where not only the best of the industry gave presentations, but also announced the best webshops of 2023. Among...

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Nestlé to cut jobs at Swiss food factory

The Swiss giant is investing SFr6.5m ($7.2m) to re-focus its Wangen facility. Nestlé is set to cut 90 jobs at a facility in Switzerland as it “realigns” to producing two food...

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The average producer price of raw milk fell by 20 percent in one year

In August 2023, the producer price of raw milk in national currency decreased by 17 percent in the European Union, by 18 percent in the USA, and by 27 percent...

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Surprising prediction: by 2050, there will be one hundred million vegetarians in Europe

More and more companies are recognizing the change in consumer needs worldwide. Regarding dietary habits, drastic changes have occurred in recent years, which have not only reshaped the market, but...

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According to OPTEN, facilitating corporate transformation is a key issue

The BCSDH (Hungarian Business Council for Sustainable Development) presented the 2023 “Sustainable Future” awards. In connection with sustainability, we can increasingly come across the term ESG, which is an abbreviation...

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A Hungarian innovation made its debut at the world’s leading tech exhibition

The world’s largest technology and startup exhibition, Gitex Global, is being held these days. The HEPA Hungarian Export Development Agency, which promotes the successful entry of domestic companies into foreign...

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Hungarian successes at the Oscars of event organizers

This year’s TOP100 list was announced by the Eventex Awards, considered the Oscars of agencies and event organizers at the international level, and the names of the Lounge Group and...

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Zöldséget és gyümölcsöt mentő csomagokat kínál a Lidl Olaszországban is

A Lidl Italia is elindította élelmiszermentő projektjét, amelynek keretében a vásárlók kedvezményes áron juthatnak hozzá az olyan, külön zacskókba rendezett gyümölcsökhöz és zöldségekhez, amelyek az esztétikai előírásoknak nem felelnek meg,...

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Koalíció alakítását fontolgatják a növényi alapú élelmiszerek gyártói

Az erőfeszítések és erőforrások egyesítésével létrejöhet a „Got Milk” húsmentes változata is. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Az Egyesült Államokban a növényi alapú húsok gyártói – akik...

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“Anonymous fear” is the greatest enemy of Hungarian and Central European youth

The National Youth Council presented the second, English-language publication of its professional book series entitled “Our unknown friends – the young people”, launched in 2022, during the European Year of...

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„Bőrgyógyász és kozmetikus” a fürdőszobapolcon

Az arcápolási kategóriában jelentős mértékű növekedés történt az elmúlt időszakban, ami leginkább a COVID alatti lezárások ideje alatt berobbanó trendnek, az otthoni, tudatos bőrápolásnak köszönhető. Arcbőrünk ápolása már korántsem egy...

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The AutoWallis Group is launching its own branded mobility service under the name Wigo

The AutoWallis Group is introducing a new brand and launching its first own-brand mobility service under the name wigo. The first service of AutoWallis under the new brand name is...

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Another step towards the realization of a circular economy

The development of the Jáger group is another step towards the realization of a circular economy – said the Minister of Agriculture at the handover of the KPE pipe production...

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Inflation in the Eurozone decreases significantly

As Eurostat announced after a second estimate, inflation in the Eurozone weakened significantly in September. While food and luxury goods were the strongest price drivers, energy prices continued to decline...

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Absolut Vodka and Coke’s Sprite to combine in canned cocktail

Absolut Vodka and lemonade drinkers will soon be able to sip their preferred cocktail from a can, after drinks makers Pernod Ricard and Coca-Cola agreed to a pre-mixed version made from the...

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Bluetongue has appeared in several European Union countries

The bluetongue epidemic broke out in the Netherlands in September 2023. At the beginning of October, Germany and Belgium, among the previously exempt member states, announced the appearance of the disease...

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