
Body care segment developing with improving hygiene culture

Body care products include those intended for daily hygiene and those intended to improve the condition of our skin. In both categories, manufacturers are trying to get consumers to use...

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Highest price rise for cooking oil

Consumer prices rose by 0.1 per cent on average in June, and were up by 6.7 per cent compared to June 2007. Food prices were down by 0.4 per cent...

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Triple exhibition in Düsseldorf, with Hungarian companies

Traceability and wellness are the current trends among fresh product, as illustrated by the traditional Düsselforf exhibition of meat products, dairy products and frozen products. Most Hungarian exhibitors will come...

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Innovation in wine

When the consumers of wine change, wine itself needs to change. But is wine changing, or is the product changing? Wine is not a product before it is packaged and...

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Mouth care brands focusing on special needs

The weakness of Hungarian mouth care culture is well illustrated by the single toothbrush used by consumers per year. In countries with an insurance-based healthcare system, the insurance company only...

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Promising growth in food export

Both export and import grew at a faster rate in April 2008, than in the preceding three months. Exports were up by 24 per cent, while import increased by 18...

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Brau Beviale: attractive drinks, new technology

The most important exhibition for European beverage manufacturers, Brau Beviale will be held between 12-14. November, in Nurenberg. idén november 12-14. Over 1,400 companies will attend the event, while the...

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History of BiB packaging

Bag in box packaging was patented and first used by Thomas William Carlyon Angove from South Australia. It was intended to replace large (2-5 litre) glass bottles. The original patent...

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Prices and quality both important to mothers

Some products, like for example diapers, are essential in baby care. According to Ildikó Kardos brand manager of Libero, the history of disposable diapers goes back to the 1950’s. While...

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Parent, media, friend

According to research by GfK LHS HealthCare, parents, the media and friends have the largest influence on the dietary habits of children in primary schools. According to 34 per cent...

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Organic production celebrating 25th anniversary

The fourth Eco-tour took place between 13-15. June. Producers of organic products in the South Dunántúl region were visited during this event. Imre Karácsony, organiser of the tour answered our...

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History of packaging

The simplest solution for storing wine in ancient times was to use animal hide, like the Roman legions have used, where soldiers were not allowed to drink water, when serving...

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Active brands, loyal ladies

Women’s hygiene products have produced spectacular growth in recent years. As a result of the efforts invested into education and communication by manufacturers and retailers, this subject is no longer...

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Willingness to purchase at its lowest

The complex Consumer Confidence Index and Consumer Expectations Index of GfK Hungária show improvement, but consumer willingness to purchase has been reduced in the second quarter of the year....

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A snapshot of Hungarian consumers

The Hungarian Consumer Conference 2008 was held for the second time in early June. Unconventional, interactive presentations helped the 200 participants to learn more about Hungarian consumers. Hungarian consumers do...

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Pre-portioned segment dominant among meat products

According to data from the Nielsen Retail Index, sales are increasingly concentrated and the pre-portioned segment is becoming increasingly dominant. The market showed expansion of 1 per cent in terms...

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Masculine choices

The total value of the condom market was over HUF 2,4 billion in 2007. Hyper markets and drugstores account for the largest part of sales. Though the lubricant market is...

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Milk without cream

GfK Hungária has launched a series of studies with Agrár Európa Kft. Part one deals with the condition of the dairy sector on almost 100 pages. It was presented at...

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Possibility for growth in spite of difficulties

Representatives of the food marketing business are to meet in Budapest again. The marketing conference of the organisation named CIES – The Food Business Forum will be held on 5-6....

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Storm clouds

Though the sun is shining outside, I see storm clouds coming when I look at the condition of the Hungarian food industry, especially the meat sector. The sector is under...

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Price wave reaching meat products

While prices are rising, demand is shrinking in the market of meat products. There are differences between categories in the extent of recession, in the market share of private labels...

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Multi-layer paper products – for more people

Both the assortment and the size of household paper products show great diversity. This is why shelf placement is a complex and important task. The most common household paper product...

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Menacing shadows

According to a study prepared by experts of Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Intézet Zrt. and AgrárEurópa Tanácsadó Kft about the current position of Hungarian agriculture and its future prospects, food prices are...

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Holes and knives

Following the example of water melon producers, milk producing farmers also plan to hold demonstrations against retail chains. Furthermore, farmers from the animal husbandry sector are also expected to take...

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Consumer confidence in domestic meat unbroken

According to data from the GfK Hungária ConsumerScan the sliced cold meat consumption of Hungarian households was up by almost ten per cent in the first four months of 2008,...

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More paper products sold in the first third of the year

According to data from the ConsumerScan of Gfk Hungária, sales of toilet paper, paper tissue and paper towels were up in the first third of 2008, compared to the same...

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Tips by GKI to boost growth

A series of clear and rapid economic measures have been recommended by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt which is composed of only a few elements, but can restore confidence in the business...

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More applicants for GFP funds

The Operative Program for the Development of the Economy (GFP) has become very popular. HUF 77 billion out of a total of HUF 329 billion has been made available for...

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Double digit growth in quantity as well

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, retails sales of praline exceeded HUF 18 billion in the June 200 – May 2008 period. Praline sales grew by 13 per cent in...

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True innovations behind expansion in the air fragrance market

Price competition is not quite as intense in the market of air fragrances as in other categories. Brands focus on innovation and new fragrances. According to Nóra Csizmadia, from SC...

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