
For more than a decade and a half, CSR Hungary has been awarding responsible businesses and organizations

Corporate responsibility and sustainability are topics that are increasingly becoming the focus of attention these days. And the burgeoning external regulations encourage companies to pay even more attention to corporate...

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The average producer price of raw milk is 23 percent less than a year ago

According to AKI PÁIR data, the national average producer price of raw milk in Hungary was HUF 156.73/kilogram in October 2023. In addition to a 0.01 percentage point improvement in...

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Waitrose to use AI to offer personalised online shopping

Waitrose has invested in delivering personalised online shopping to its customers by using AI. The upmarket grocer has struck a partnership with Netcore Unbxd, which will see it implement a...

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In contrast to real estate investments, investments coming to Hungary set another record

The real estate investment turnover decreased significantly this year, the global real estate development market closed a weak year this year, and the Hungarian market fell the least in the...

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No more plastic labels on Actimel bottles in Germany

Danone in Germany is removing the plastic label tape from Actimel yoghurt bottles with immediate effect. The company’s aim with this step is to save around 300 tonnes of plastic...

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Mushrooms are a true superfood that can be found in any diet

Mushrooms are a superfood that can be included in any diet. It is no coincidence that ingredients with a specific taste are increasingly appearing on Hungarian plates. According to the joint...

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Amazon’s packaging in Europe is now recyclable

All boxes, bags and envelopes used by Amazon for deliveries in Europe are now recyclable. The company also states that an increasing number of products are being sent to customers...

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Highly pathogenic bird flu has also appeared in Békés county

The laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) detected the presence of a highly pathogenic bird flu virus in a sample taken from a poultry farm in Békés...

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Euromonitor International: 6 global consumer trends from 2024

The annual report reveals emerging trends that provide insights into consumers’ evolving values and explores how their behaviour is redefining their shopping motivations and needs. It examines how the impact of Artificial...

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Hungarians plan to spend HUF 11,000 more this Christmas

Compared to last year, Hungarians plan to spend HUF 11,000 more at Christmas, and this year the price of the gift is a less important aspect, a new research revealed....

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In October, the prices of food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products still rose the most in the EU

In October, as previously announced, the annual inflation rate in the euro area moderated – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced the final data on Friday. Annual...

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The mandatory deposit return system will be introduced in Hungarian stores from January

We are barely past the first data provision of the EPR system, but the following regulation is already here: the mandatory redemption system, otherwise known as the DRS system. The...

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The first autumn seasonal inspection was successfully completed

The first autumn seasonal food chain inspection, which was ordered by Márton Nobilis, the state secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy, has ended. In connection with the...

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We may be protesting, but soon we’ll all be eating insects

Insect proteins represent an outstanding nutritional value, while hardly burdening the environment. However, people on our continent still face challenges in accepting foods made from insects. Recognizing the potential of...

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A fájdalom válság idején is nagy úr!

Az elmúlt időszak gazdasági és egyéb hatásai a vény nélkül kapható termékek piacát is jelentős mértékben érintették. A fogyasztók sokkal tudatosabban határozták meg, melyek azok a termékkörök, amelyekre tudnak és...

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In a regional comparison, telecommuting is still not popular in Hungary

According to Eurostat data, 10.6 percent of Hungarian workers of working age worked at home or in hybrid work last year. This value is less than half of the 22.4...

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The European Honey Breakfast campaign has started again

The European Honey Breakfast initiative started in Slovenia in 2007, which Hungary joined in 2014. The primary goal of the program is to promote the beneficial effects of honey consumption...

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Human leadership and fair wages – these are the main decision-making aspects of employees

Given the stable high inflation environment, jobs that offer other monetary benefits in addition to a competitive base salary are the most attractive. At the same time, the content of...

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Where do men screw up that they live years less than women?

According to 2022 KSH data, the life expectancy at birth of an average Hungarian man is only 74 years. This is three years behind the European average, and six years...

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K&H: This is how we encourage colleagues to use green solutions

The implementation of sustainable operations is almost a basic requirement for companies. However, it is not an easy task to get the employees to commit themselves to the ESG goals...

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Csak a virsli roppan, a piac nem

Alaposan megtépázta a tavaly év végi virslieladásokat a magasba szökő árszínvonal, de a piac idén lassan helyreáll. Ettől még az árpolitikának, a promóciós taktikának decemberben kiemelkedő szerep jut majd, miközben...

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Az OMV-vel közös új üzletformátumot vezet be a Billa Csehországban

Az OMV és a Billa új élelmiszer-kiskereskedelmi láncot indított Viva Billa néven Csehországban. Az új formátumot képviselő első üzlet a prágai Chuchle melletti egyik benzinkúton nyílt meg, és a kiskereskedő...

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Fel a csőrrel!

Bizonytalanság, kiszámíthatatlanság – ez jellemezte a piaci szereplők szerint 2022-t a szárnyasok értékesítésében. Talán az egyetlen pozitívumot az élénk kereslet jelentette, de ez főként a hatósági árnak volt köszönhető. Az...

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Protecting the soil is equally important for everyone

The soil is one of our natural resources that we have to manage in a sustainable way, and it is necessary to pay more and more attention to its protection. To...

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The production and trade of artificial meat was banned

Italy is the first in the European Union to say no to the production and distribution of so-called cultured meat and products derived from it, with a vote held on...

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The Hungarian agriculture and food industry is also successful in international markets

Let’s not forget that there is no harvest without sowing seeds, just as there is no strong and competitive Hungary without a strong countryside, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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The first autumn seasonal inspection ended with a satisfactory result

The first autumn seasonal food chain inspection, ordered by by dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy. In connection with the campaign, the state...

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Without bees there is no food

Every sixth food in the store is thanks to bees, so it can be stated: if there are no bees, then there is no food, no fruit either – said...

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Amazon sets the pace in grocery personalization, Dunnhumby finds

The e-commerce giant earned the top score in a report released Tuesday by the data analysis firm, followed by H-E-B, Kroger and Giant Eagle. Amazon outranks all other retailers in...

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National Council of Mountain Villages: raising the transfer prices of wines is essential

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), it is essential to increase the transfer price of wines, without which the sector could be in a critical situation by...

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