
Budapest hosts the leading agricultural statisticians of Europe and Central Asia

For established policy decisions reliable and comprehensive statistics are necessary – and this is especially true in the case of agriculture. During the week, statisticians from 20 countries of the...

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The finalists of the Winemaker of Winemakers award were announced

Among the fifty candidates, Bodó Judit from Tokaj, Ipacs Szabó István from Villány, Jásdi István from Csopak, Konyári János from Balatonboglár and Szepsy István Jr. from Tokaj reached the finals...

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Design your own beer mat with Beer and More!

You’ve always wanted to show off with your own beer mat at a party or even in your favorite club? Now it is time to design your own beer mat....

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The financial investigators of NAV explored a tax cheating criminal organization

The members of the criminal organization cheated about 350 million HUF value added tax (VAT) by trading soybean –according to NAV’s West Pannon Crime Directorate. According to the communication of...

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Outstanding offers at this year’s ProWein trade fair

ProWein this year proved again that it is the most important platform of the international wine and spirits industry all over the world. Between 19 and 21 March more than...

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Only a few days left: Badacsony in New York on 5 April!

The creme of the Badacsony Wine Region again to move as one, and showcase their wines in the “World’s Most Beautiful Café” the impressive New York Palace. Badacsonytomaj the center...

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KSH: the number of employees increased by 130 thousand

In the three months between December 2016 and February 2017, the average number of employees was 4 million 372 thousand, 130 thousand more than the year before. The employment rate...

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The NGM submitted the amendments to the law on advertising tax

The National Economy Ministry (NGM) submitted the amendments to the law on advertising tax to the parliament on Tuesday. Despite the decision of Brussels, the government will not ask for...

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Museal items at the Badacsony wine region’s wine tasting in Budapest

Thirty wineries debut in addition to the more recent vintages with museal items at the tasting called Badacsony in New York on 5 April in the New York Palace in...

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Wanzl’s new managing director

As of 1 March 2017 Edit Nagy is the managing director of Wanzl Hungary. Ms Nagy used to be the company’s sales director. Wanzl was established in Germany in 1947...

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The SignExpo and PPDexpo awaits You this year

Sign making and Large Format Printing have always been an exciting and improving industry and they still are. Therefore, the founders of Sign Magazine had the plan to build a...

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BirtOKOS service starts

NAK launched its BirtOKOS telecommunication service for chamber members on 10 January 2017. Those who subscribe to the mobile service can benefit from lower tariffs than the market price. In...

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Tokaji March Great Tasting with the wines of seventy wineries

Seventy wine cellars of Tokaj-hegyalja are waiting for the audience with more than 160 wines and with several special master class courses to the Tokaji March Great Tasting on Saturday...

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One can enter into the Hungary’s most beautiful kitchen garden competition by the end of April

Organizers extended the registration date to Hungary’s most beautiful kitchen garden program, due to the great interest. Those organizations that announce the competition in their settlement can apply until 30...

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MNKH: Hungary is in the forefront in agri information technology

Hungary is in the forefront in agri information technology and in IT connected to the test tracks of self-driving cars in Europe – the CEO of the Hungarian National Trading...

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ProWein gets bigger and bigger

Wine and spirits trade fair ProWein will take place between 19 and 21 March 2017 in Düsseldorf. The organisers told at a press conference that last year 55,000 trade visitors...

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The Hungarian Pavilion was opened at the world’s largest IT trade show

The Hungarian Pavilion was opened on Monday at the world’s largest IT trade fair, at the CeBIT in Hanover. Hungary’s presence at the CeBIT is larger than ever: on the...

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The VinCE Awards were handed over in ten categories this year

The VinCE Awards were handed over on Friday at the professional opening day of the 8th VinCE Budapest Wine Show. The VinCE Awards were created by VinCE magazin two years...

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Food businesses in Somogy are interested in food industry grants

In mid-January an Economic Development and Innovation Operative Programme (GINOP) forum took place in Kaposvár, organised by NAK’s Somogy County office. It turned out that many medium-sized food companies are...

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VinCE Budapest: the Torres, Taittinger and the Roederer houses among the guests

Miguel Torres, Clovis Taittinger and the cellar master of the Roederer Champagne house will held master courses at the 8th VinCE Budapest Wine Show, during which a number of specialties,...

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More than ever resources will be allocated for tourism development

More than ever resources are available for the development of priority tourism areas by 2020. According to the already adopted government decision, the developments at the Lake Balaton will be...

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Hungarian companies can participate in one of the world’s largest startup festival

Five Hungarian innovative companies can participate in the world’s largest startup festival, at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive organized in Austin, USA. The Hungarian participation is carried out with...

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Energy Globe Magyarország: the best Hungarian sustainability ideas

Gastronomy, fashion and alternative energy sources. It was revealed who will receive awards for the most innovative projects at the competition of the Energy Globe Magyarország. The Hungarian competition of...

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Syngenta Wine Competition: Tokaj won among the wine-growing regions

The Syngenta National Wine Competition was held for the sixteenth time. This year a total of 459 entries were received from the wine-producing regions of the country. At the contest...

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The tourist season begins in Gyula

The tourist season is about to start in Gyula: The 7th Sausage Muster of Gyula will take place from 31 March to 2 April – was announced at the event...

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Twenty-one Hungarian companies to debut at this year’s CeBIT exhibition

This year, 21 Hungarian companies will debut at this year’s CeBIT exhibition in Hannover. In the future Hungary would like to be the partner country of Europe’s largest digital trade...

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Major frost damage in the autumn rape

Frost damages affected the winter wheat, winter barley and triticale smaller than expected, but the autumn rape suffered major frost damages in Békés county Kulcsár László, Békés county chairman of...

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The secret was revealed: UBER, Apple and Facebook used this trick

The machines are already thinking, while malleable robots and “smart dust” characterizes the modern wars. The SMART 2017 Conference on 5 April 2017 are about such and similar topics. At...

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Women entrepreneurs: Hungary in the middle field

Mostly, the environment determines how much an entrepreneur woman will be a successful. In Hungary, almost every third business is owned or managed by women, which is a good ratio...

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A kínai befektetők növelik befolyásukat az európai cégvásárlási piacon

A növekvő politikai bizonytalanság hatására visszaeshet a felvásárlási és fúziós tranzakciók száma 2017-ben az előző évi várakozásokhoz képest. Míg 2016-ban a vállalatok 64%-a számított növekedésre, idén már alig több mint...

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