
1500 exhibitors, 33 thousand visitors: one of the world's greatest FMCG tradeshows

After a successful 10th anniversary, SIAL China is ready to raise the bar even higher for 2011! The event will take place from 18th to 20 May 2011. While Chinese...

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Customers of Tesco collected more than 33 tons of food for those in need

In less than two days, Tesco customers have collected more than 33 tons of perishable food to families in need. The event was organized by Hungarian Red Cross and Hungarian...

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Health Ambassador Program was launched

Réka Rubint was the hostess of the Health Ambassador Program campaign which aims to call attention to the importance of prevention when it comes to cardiovascular diseases. The event was...

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The larger half of Europe spends more on Christmas gifts than Hungarians

While in Hungary three-quarters of the population spends up to 100 euros (about 28 000 HUF) on gifts in the Christmas season, in the majority of the European countries a...

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The decline in traffic affects the SME sector the most

The last two years of the crisis affected badly all the market participants. The participants had to face with different challenges in different sectors. Over the past two years, the...

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The gel salon sugar is still the favorite

In Hungary 4500-5000 tons of salon sugar are consumed per year, this is 1.5 kilograms per family. There are three price categories: low-cost products, these are typically below 500 forints,...

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Turkey processors expect growth

Despite the crisis, turkey processors close a good financial year and expect growth. A new market participant can also gain market share and enters into the competition of Gallicoop, Saga...

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School milk program: the aid doubled, but many administrative obstacles remained

Administrative obstacles hinder the expansion of the participants of the school milk program, even the support has been doubled, reaching 800 million HUF. – It is encouraging that the Government...

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Amazon, Wal-Mart, Apple: the most mentioned brands on the net

The Zeta Interactive market research company has compiled a list of the brands, which are the most mentioned on the Internet. The company measured not only the volume of the...

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The advertising spendings of the top 100 advertisers decreased by 10 billion USD

According to the compilation of Advertising Age; the top 100 advertisers last year spent 10 billion USD less on advertising than in 2008. The Procter & Gamble is still in...

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Twenty-two tastes compete to be the best salon sugar taste

One can vote for Hungary’s best salon sugar taste, until the 19th of  December at the site. Twenty-two tastes are competing from traditional tastes, through caramel to marzipan. Those...

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Silver Sunday: Hungarian Producers Fair in Törökbálint

To close the year, Agrármarketing Centrum launches a special product exhibition in order to introduce Hungarian goods. Local and typically Hungarian are in the major focus of the eventwhich will...

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Magazin: Trendinspirations in customer preferences

This page was made by Trendinspiráció Műhely. The trend research company collected examples of highlighted interest in the field of retail and consumer trends. Find out more at Drink...

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A 5.4 percent rise to expect in advertising revenues in 2011

MAGNAGLOBAL, a division of IPG's Mediabrands, has released an updated forecast for advertising around the world alongside a comprehensive model including data for more than 60 countries covering years between...

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Nearly half a thousand outstanding Hungarian products chosen

One of the main goals of Agrármarketing Centrum is to call customers' sttention to outstanding goods. This is precisely why they came out with the award “outstanding Hungarian product”. This...

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Positive third-quarter trends in Hungarian food retails

The decline in sales of daily consumer goods in Hungary has finally come to an end. Volumes in the third quarter of the year is basically the same value as...

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A new bankruptcy law is needed

It is needless to keep messing around with the current bankruptcy law – Dr. Zsolt Tibor, leading lawyer of Coface Hungary pointed out, based on his own versatile range of...

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Industrial production increased by ten percent

In January-October 2010, industrial production grew by 10 percent, compared to the same period of 2009. According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office; In October industrial production increased...

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Only 2 percent would buy uncertain origin food

In Hungary forged products cause an estimated 600-900 billion HUF damage per year – said Bendzsel Miklós, president of the Hungarian Patent Office Budapest on Tuesday at a background conversation....

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The Irsai Olivér became the pálinka of the year

This year’s best pálinka became the 2009 year vintage Irsai Olivér grape pálinka of the Brill Pálinkaház. The distillate was placed in the Agricultural Museum of Budapest, to preserve for...

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Russia halves its poultry imports

Next year Russia will halve its poultry imports – announced Viktor Zubkov, Deputy Prime Minister. The Russians are marching towards self-sufficiency. Russia halves its poultry imports quota to 350 thousand...

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Mankind will be strarving after 2050

Acccording to a study presented at the climate conference in Mexico, the population will increase such an extent until 2050, that the Earth will not be able to supply us...

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There is no uniform position over Sunday closure

There are two law proposals that want the shops to be closed on Sundays. One was submittede by the MPs of the KDNP, but adoption is still not sure. The...

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Hungary is last in employment rate

Hungary stood in the last place in the first half of the year in the European Union with the employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds. The employment rate of  55.3...

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This year, at least 17 500 companies may bankrupt

During one month liquidation proceedings started against 1627, in the first 11 months of the year, liquidation proceedings started against 16 513 companies, so until the end of the year,...

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Credit card spendings slow down in Europe

According to the joint report of Visa Europe and Markit market research company; the population of the EU Member States spent 1.2 percent more in the third quarter of 2010,...

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Authorities find a series of fake and poisonous products continuously

In recent days, many dubious origin and quality toxic food products discovered by the authorities. The Agricultural Management Office found palm oil forged egg powder and fusarium-toxin flour in Heves...

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Limited sets of watches worth millions – in Budapest now

The travelling exhibition of IWC arrives to Budapest this month, in Kristóf tér at Watch De Luxe you get to see watches that cost more than a medium-range apartment. IWC...

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Magazine: The results of the POPAI Awards display competition

Works competing in the first Hungarian POPAI Awards were exhibited at the Business Days conference, where 82 conference participants undertook the difficult task of jurying. About 300 participants looked around...

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