
The Hungarian Harvest has become a tradition in Berlin

The Hungarian Harvest series of events was the idea of a German winemaker around the system change in the 90s. Since then the Hungarian Harvest which presents Hungarian wines and...

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The city wine of Debrecen will be a Bull’s Blood red and a MÁD furmint white wine in 2015

The white of Debrecen in 2015 will be Szent Tamás Winery’s 2013 vintage MÁD Furmint, while the white wine of the city in 2015 will be the 2012 vintage Bull's...

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The Hungarian Food Bank collected forty percent more donations this year

The 3500 Volunteer of the Hungarian Food Bank Association collected about 195 tons of durable food products, during the food donation campaign that took place at 257 weekend locations of...

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“Black Friday” customers stormed the US stores

Tens of millions of Americans began their Christmas shopping on the season starter “Black Friday” and even on the previous day Thanksgiving eve. The first rush of customers have already...

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Location-based mobile marketing service launched

After two years of preparation work by T-Systems International, Hungary is the first country in the region where a location-based mobile marketing service becomes available. Katalin Vigné Szalontai, wholesale director...

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Hungary opens trading house in Mongolia this year

A Hungary-Mongolia business forum was held on 18 October in Budapest, where Mongolian president Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj told that agricultural technology, the pharmaceutical industry, infrastructural development and tourism are all possible...

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Hungarian SMEs introduced themselves in Macedonia

Skopje, the capital city of Macedonia was the host of TEHNOMA, the most important trade fair in the Balkans. With the help of the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) several...

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2,500 billion HUF EU funds to the Hungarian agriculture until 2020

A total of around 2,500 billion HUF will flow to the Hungarian agriculture between 2015 to 2020 for the direct payments from EU funds – Czerván György Minister of State...

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There will be enough fish for Christmas

The Hungarian fish farms sell 20-25 percent of their annual volumes during the Christmas season. They promise that there will be enough fish for the Christmas holidays. In recent years,...

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KSH: 192 thousand more people had jobs in August-October than a year before

This year, in August-October 4 million 184 thousand people were working in Hungary, from the 15-74 age group, 192 thousand more than a year before – the Central Statistics Office...

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The office of the Hungarian National Trading House in Cairo has been opened

Semjén Zsolt Deputy Prime Minister opened the Hungarian National Trading House’s office in Cairo on Wednesday. The Hungarian Hungarian National Trading House’s office aims to reach new markets and new...

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Sopron mountain village: the spotted wing midge can be the “second phylloxera”

If the cure will not be found, the spotted wing midge can become the “second phylloxera” “the second filoxérává” could become the spotted wing Drosophila – the President of the...

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The first stop of the “Export!” forum series was held in Győr

The “Export!” forum series was launched to help to encourage and supporting the companies to enter foreign markets and to develop the domestic supply capacity. The first event of the...

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The EP committee of experts supports the reduction of plastic bag use

As lawmakers reached agreement this week to limit the use of plastic bags across Europe, industry voices warned that such rules will have a negative impact on trade in Europe's...

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China is the largest online market of products made of wild animals

China has become the largest market for illegal wildlife trading with a huge number of related animal products being sold online, according to a new report by a major animal...

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Hungarian trading house opens in Brazil

On 18 September the Hungarian National Trading House Zrt. (MNKH) opened its 14th trading house, which is the first in Latin America. The new trading house is in Rio de...

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KSH: the growth of consumption accelerated in September

The growth of retail sales accelerated in September, while the volume of retail sales was 4.5 percent higher in September than a year before, after the 2.5 percent increase of...

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Nielsen: strengthening consumer confidence, increasing food sales

The buying mood of the Hungarian consumers continued to increase during the last ten months. The retail sales value of food products increased by 5 percent, while in terms of...

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The Action 2020 Program was Presented

“Do you know that the business community can influence the negative social and environmental processes into a positive direction? We say yes!” said Salgó István, ING Bank’s CEOand Chairman of...

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The range of products that can be sold in tobacco stores to expand

Hegmanné Nemes Sára Minister of State of the Ministry of National Development, responsible for assets told that due to the social needs and expectations, the retailers' indications and practical experiences,...

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The Diplomatic Fair to be held this year again

Stage shows, children's workshops and raffle also welcomes the visitors of the fourth Diplomatic Fair, that will take place at the Hotel Intercontinental in Budapest on Sunday. The event’s visitors...

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Thanksgiving conference: poultry meat will become the number one source of animal protein

The Hungarian turkey Association, the member association of the Poultry Product Council held a conference today, one day before the US Thanksgiving clebrations, with the participation of M. Andre Goodfriend,...

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The food bank is expecting Christmas donations in 257 department stores

The Hungarian Food Bank Association organizes its Christmas food collection this year again: on Friday and Saturday, donations of the population are accepted in 257 large stores of 140 settlements...

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The American Thanksgiving Day in numbers

The Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated on Thursday in the United States, which is the most important American family celebration, beside Christmas. The US Census Bureau (USCB) has some data...

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The REGIO JÁTÉK became the LEGO’s domestic wholesale partner

The Hungarian subsidiary of LEGO reorganized its wholesale business. One of the most well-known brand of the world, chose the REGIO JÁTÉK as its selective domestic wholesale partner. From the...

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Change in retail channels’ weight

Grocery retail’s revenue from butter sales was more than HUF 10 billion in the December 2013-July 2014 period. Value sales were 13 percent higher than a year before and volume...

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(HU) Libikóka Pataki Ágival és Márton Andrással -Krizsó Szilvia

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Butters: spreadability is in the centre of attention

Despite the strong price competition the Meggle brand does well in the butter category. Both value and volume sales have increased and among branded products Meggle is the 2nd best...

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When margarine and butter meet

Ágnes Mohácsik, brand manager with Unilever Magyarország: – We try to offer products that meet consumption demand and fit in the healthy eating trend. Consumers focus on taste when choosing...

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The revenues of Hungarian wine sales increased in Germany

The Hungarian wine sales increased by twenty-five percent in the past two years in Germany, which is the number one export market of the Hungarian wines – highlighted experts on...

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