Fruits can be very expensive because of the early spring

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 03. 01. 11:53

According to the Pénzcentrum article, the early spring and unusually mild weather are causing concern among fruit growers and wineries.

According to meteorological data, heat records were broken in Hungary in February, and according to experts, the biological cycle of fruit trees changed due to the early spring, and they started budding earlier. However, the unusually mild weather threatens the return of frost, especially in the morning hours. Cold waves can cause significant damage to buds and flowers that have already developed.

Endangered fruit species include apricots, peaches, apples, plums and grapes. After last year’s poor harvest, both fruit growers and winemakers are confident that this year will be better. However, according to experts, the threat of spring frosts returning is a serious challenge. If cold waves arrive in the coming months, up to 70-80 percent of orchards could suffer losses, which could lead to price increases and import increases in the summer and fall. Experts emphasize that the future of the fruit sector and winemaking depends to a large extent on the development of weather conditions, and serious problems may arise for producers and markets if frosts return.

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