A partnership for life
In 2021 the owners of ‘Anyukám mondta’ restaurant in Encs, Szilárd Dudás and Szabolcs Dudás won the Gundel Award. On this occasion our magazine interviewed Szilárd Dudás, who is responsible for the managerial tasks of the enterprise. He told that they don’t work to win prizes, but awards like this are a good feedback for them that they are creating something valuable.
After 26 years of hard work he needs more time for regeneration than 10 years ago, but he still has the energy needed for his work – for instance currently they are renovating the restaurant. In his view Hungary’s culinary sector has made great progress in the last 10 years. He told that most of those who can be considered a so-called prestige guests had already visited them.

Szilárd and Szabolcs received the Gundel Award from László Kovács (in the middle), president of the Association of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI)
There are 70 people working for the restaurant. Mr Dudás revealed that most of the owners of Hungary’s top 200 restaurants don’t make a living off their restaurants, but his brother and he do – this he considers to be a great success. Employees work 4 days per week and the business has other legs as well: ‘Pizza, Kávé, Világbéke’ pizza restaurants in Miskolc and Debrecen. His advice to newcomers in the restaurant business is that they shouldn’t be afraid of opening a restaurant. //
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