Anuga press conference in Amsterdam: Everything changes

By: Tisza Andrea Date: 2019. 08. 08. 07:08

Our magazine was invited to Amsterdam, to the European press conference of the Anuga trade show in early June.

Chris Sanderson
The Future Laboratory

Chris Sanderson, a founder and CEO of London-based research centre The Future Laboratory told that changes are becoming faster and faster. He revealed that 84 percent of German and 85 percent of Dutch consumers don’t trust the information on food product labels. In the United Kingdom 60 percent of adults share the view that sugar content should be indicated more visibly on the packaging of fizzy drinks.

Mr Sanderson believes that it would be a good idea for brands to prepare for the arrival new consumers that will leave classic eating habits behind. He called attention to the fact that a growing number of consumers show demand for a direct connection between food and health preservation. Thanks to modern kitchen equipment, less food will be wasted in the future – presently 88 million tons of food is wasted in the EU per year, and 53 percent of this quantity is thrown in the bin by households.

Chris Sanderson made it clear that the majority of consumers have difficulties with understanding texts about the topics of health, food and eating. He recommends informing consumers in the media about new innovations instead; to make sure that they understand, details such as taste, convenience and health issues must be explained in detail. The best is to inform about functional advantages by describing sensory experiences. It works if a text talks about product ingredients and the real values of the product. Technology can increase efficiency and end food waste. //

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