Lidl Germany launches “rescue bags” for imperfect fruit and vegetables
Every year, more than 11 million tons end up in the trash in Germany alone, of which 7 percent can be linked to retail outlets. Germany’s Lidl is now trying to reduce this number with the help of a new service called: rescue bag.
A so-called rescue bag costs 3 euros and contains 5 kilos of vegetables and fruits that for some reason fall short of the previously expected perfection. Some of them only have damaged packaging, but it can also turn out that the appearance is defective, it shows dents or breaks here and there, or it may be less fresh, so it would not sell as well at a normal price.
“With this innovation, we want to work hand-in-hand with our customers so that less food ends up in the bins. Vegetables and fruit are particularly perishable, but with rescue bags, our customers can take home significantly cheaper goods before they spoil. Everyone is doing well, but above all, our planet “
– says Christian Härtnage, managing director of Lidl Germany.
The rescue bag will be available in all Lidl stores in Germany from next week.
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