Master Good The Tasty Health

By: trademagazin Date: 2007. 09. 24. 08:00

The Mas­ter Goods group oper­ates in North-Eastern Hun­ga­ry, breed­ing chick­en, pro­cess­ing poul­try and grow­ing feed in an inte­grat­ed sys­tem. The group is owned 100 % by the Bá­rány fam­i­ly which has been in the poul­try bu­si­ness for 100 years, or four gen­er­a­tions. The first gen­er­a­tion had been employed by the Szé­che­nyi fam­i­ly and their pro­fes­sion­al­ism and ded­i­ca­tion has been passed on to the fol­low­ing gen­er­a­tions ever since. This is the key to their pres­ent suc­cess. Prac­ti­cal­ly all hyper mar­ket and super­mar­ket chains are among their part­ner­s, as well as the domes­tic retail chain­s. They are a ma­jor sup­pli­er of the Hun­gar­i­an, Aus­tri­an and Ger­man McDonald’s chain­s. They are also a per­ma­nent and ma­jor sup­pli­er of Tesco in Eng­land. In com­pli­ance with the cri­te­ria used by the above clients, the feed used by the group is cer­ti­fied to be free of gene manip­u­lat­ed corn. The fact that they also refrain from using soya pro­duced on land taken from rain forests is also proof of their com­mitt­ment to the pro­tec­tion of the envi­ron­men­t. Red Mas­ter is the brand used for their pre­mi­um qual­i­ty chick­en, kept in tra­di­tion­al farm­s, while Mas­ter Good is used for chick­en kept in indus­tri­al farm­s. Mes­ter is a prod­uct line com­posed of processed poul­try prod­uct­s, while Fel­vi­dé­ki Ízek is the name used for tra­di­tion­al dish­es from the old High­land reg­ion of Hun­ga­ry.

Mes­ter Ba­rom­fi sausage
A spe­cial­i­ty made from poul­try, rep­re­sent­ing a unique qual­i­ty in the Hun­gar­i­an mar­ket.
Flavoured with gar­lic and ba­con, or cheese and pap­ri­ka.
Intro­duc­tion: Octo­ber 2006

Mes­ter Ba­rom­fi frank­furter
Its 79 % poul­try con­tent is unique in the Hun­gar­i­an mar­ket.
Intro­duc­tion: March 2006

Áfo­nyás gom­bóc 400 g
Nu­gá­tos gom­bóc 400 g
Our prod­ucts of the Fel­vi­dé­ki prod­uct line are:
Nu­gá­tos gom­bóc, Áfo­nyás gom­bóc, Juh­tú­rós tás­ka, Tú­rós de­re­lye, Knéd­li and Va­dász knéd­li.
Intro­duc­tion: June 2007

Mas­ter Good – con­ven­ience prod­ucts
Lemon & Pep­per 840 g, Napérlelte paradicsomos 840 g
It has been a pri­mary objec­tive for us in devel­op­ing our ready to serve and ins­tant prod­ucts to ensure that they are tasty and easy to pre­pare in addi­tion to be­ing of reli­able qual­i­ty, as house­wives have less time for the kitchen than before in our accel­er­at­ed world. Our lat­est prod­ucts in the con­ven­ience cat­e­go­ry are mar­ket­ed under the names: Lemon&Pepper and Nap­ér­lel­te Pa­ra­di­csom. These are new in the Hun­gar­i­an mar­ket, as both con­tain two fil­let­ed whole chick­ens in but­ter mari­nade, one cov­ered in lemon and pep­per, the other in dried toma­to and spices. Intro­duc­tion: July 2007.

Ta­nya­si csir­ke
Chick­en kept in tra­di­tion­al farm­s, in a nat­u­ral envi­ron­ment is used, which has excel­lent qual­i­ty meat with less water.
Excel­lent for tra­di­tion­al dish­es.

Ta­nya­si gyön­gyös
Gui­nea fowl is our least domes­ti­cat­ed breed of poul­try kept in a nat­u­ral envi­ron­men­t. Its meat is sim­i­lar to pheas­ant meat and excel­lent for spe­cial occa­sion­s.

Red Mas­ter Ta­nya­si füs­tölt csir­ke­mellson­ka 90 g
Chick­en kept in tra­di­tion­al farms is a prod­uct of reli­able qual­i­ty. Our smoked ham made from chick­en breast was intro­duced in August 2007 for con­sumers who pre­fer prod­ucts which are free of antibi­otics and steroid­s.

This prod­uct is intend­ed for fam­i­lies with babies. It is made from pul­let kept in tra­di­tion­al farms in a nat­u­ral envi­ron­men­t. The prod­uct is guar­an­teed to be free of antibi­otic­s, steroids and gene manip­u­lat­ed feed.
Intro­duc­tion: August 2007

Red Mas­ter Trade­mark
The Red Mas­ter trade­mark is the prop­er­ty of the Hun­gar­i­an Asso­ci­a­tion of Tra­di­tion­al Poul­try Breed­er­s. It is used exclu­sive­ly on prod­ucts which have been pro­duced in com­pli­ance with the strict reg­u­la­tions of the Asso­ci­a­tion. Com­pli­ance with reg­u­la­tions is super­vised by an inde­pend­ent body appoint­ed by the Asso­ci­a­tion.

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