Master Good The Tasty Health
The Master Goods group operates in North-Eastern Hungary, breeding chicken, processing poultry and growing feed in an integrated system. The group is owned 100 % by the Bárány family which has been in the poultry business for 100 years, or four generations. The first generation had been employed by the Széchenyi family and their professionalism and dedication has been passed on to the following generations ever since. This is the key to their present success. Practically all hyper market and supermarket chains are among their partners, as well as the domestic retail chains. They are a major supplier of the Hungarian, Austrian and German McDonald’s chains. They are also a permanent and major supplier of Tesco in England. In compliance with the criteria used by the above clients, the feed used by the group is certified to be free of gene manipulated corn. The fact that they also refrain from using soya produced on land taken from rain forests is also proof of their committment to the protection of the environment. Red Master is the brand used for their premium quality chicken, kept in traditional farms, while Master Good is used for chicken kept in industrial farms. Mester is a product line composed of processed poultry products, while Felvidéki Ízek is the name used for traditional dishes from the old Highland region of Hungary.
Mester Baromfi sausage
A speciality made from poultry, representing a unique quality in the Hungarian market.
Flavoured with garlic and bacon, or cheese and paprika.
Introduction: October 2006
Mester Baromfi frankfurter
Its 79 % poultry content is unique in the Hungarian market.
Introduction: March 2006
Áfonyás gombóc 400 g
Nugátos gombóc 400 g
Our products of the Felvidéki product line are:
Nugátos gombóc, Áfonyás gombóc, Juhtúrós táska, Túrós derelye, Knédli and Vadász knédli.
Introduction: June 2007
Master Good – convenience products
Lemon & Pepper 840 g, Napérlelte paradicsomos 840 g
It has been a primary objective for us in developing our ready to serve and instant products to ensure that they are tasty and easy to prepare in addition to being of reliable quality, as housewives have less time for the kitchen than before in our accelerated world. Our latest products in the convenience category are marketed under the names: Lemon&Pepper and Napérlelte Paradicsom. These are new in the Hungarian market, as both contain two filleted whole chickens in butter marinade, one covered in lemon and pepper, the other in dried tomato and spices. Introduction: July 2007.
Tanyasi csirke
Chicken kept in traditional farms, in a natural environment is used, which has excellent quality meat with less water.
Excellent for traditional dishes.
Tanyasi gyöngyös
Guinea fowl is our least domesticated breed of poultry kept in a natural environment. Its meat is similar to pheasant meat and excellent for special occasions.
Red Master Tanyasi füstölt csirkemellsonka 90 g
Chicken kept in traditional farms is a product of reliable quality. Our smoked ham made from chicken breast was introduced in August 2007 for consumers who prefer products which are free of antibiotics and steroids.
This product is intended for families with babies. It is made from pullet kept in traditional farms in a natural environment. The product is guaranteed to be free of antibiotics, steroids and gene manipulated feed.
Introduction: August 2007
Red Master Trademark
The Red Master trademark is the property of the Hungarian Association of Traditional Poultry Breeders. It is used exclusively on products which have been produced in compliance with the strict regulations of the Association. Compliance with regulations is supervised by an independent body appointed by the Association.
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