Manpower: labor market feedback shows improving economic outlook

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 12. 11. 11:24

Labor market feedback shows improving economic prospects, with 35 percent of domestic employers expected to expand their workforce in the first quarter of 2025, Manpower Hungary told MTI on Wednesday.

According to the labor agency’s survey, only 21 percent of companies may start the next year with staff reductions.

The automotive industry continues to expect worsening conditions, and the logistics outlook is also weak. However, the expectations of the largest segment, the raw materials and processing industries, have improved significantly in a year, while those active in the real estate and financial sectors are also looking forward to the next period with exceptional optimism, they wrote.

In a regional comparison, outside of the capital, companies in Western Transdanubia and Northern Hungary are hoping for a market recovery the most, and only those in Southern Transdanubia are planning layoffs that exceed staff increases.

There is no such exception in the distribution by size, even the smallest companies expect an expansion of at least 6 percent, according to the announcement.

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