Almost 30! Innovation meets traditions

By: Tisza Andrea Date: 2019. 06. 24. 22:00

Gábor Fenes, managing director of Family-Friss believes that there is no progress without innovation, but the best scenario is when traditions go hand in hand with innovation. The Mosonmagyaróvár-based company is almost 30 years old, and they use their own lorries to supply the region with various drinks, snacks and sweets. About 2,500 SKUs are available in the 300m² store and the 2,000m² warehouse; there are 50 people working for Family Friss.

Gábor Fenes
managing director

Taking orders, doing the logistics and delivering are all at the same place, which really speeds up processes! The company organises in-house trainings for workers: they strengthen those competences in employees that are necessary in our rapidly changing world for innovation and communication to work well, in both their work and their private lives. //