Most domestic companies already use artificial intelligence

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 08. 26. 13:04

Artificial intelligence significantly increases the competitiveness of domestic companies – this is supported by the latest research of Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft., which was conducted in August among companies using its trademarks. CBA investigated the use of AI among young people participating in the Strand Festival. The results of the research clearly showed that today the application of AI is common in business life and in the world of Generation Z.

Magyar Termék Nonprofit Kft. and CBA appeared together for the first time at the Strand Festival in order to encourage young people to: shop consciously, look for domestic products, and take them off the shelf when choosing between domestically produced and imported goods . CBA has been committed to supporting domestic products from the beginning, according to an independent survey, the proportion of domestic goods in its stores is over 80 percent. This was the first time when, together with Hungarian Product, they tried to draw the attention of young people to the benefits of these goods at a festival. Artificial intelligence and data-based solutions were in focus at the joint booth of Magyar Termék and CBA.

In a survey of 260 trademark user partners conducted at the beginning of August, Magyar Termék sought answers to the extent to which they had introduced artificial intelligence into their business and production processes, and what their opinion was about its effectiveness. Based on the results, more than three quarters (77%) of them are already actively using artificial intelligence. The most common field of application is marketing (64%), where AI is used, for example, to analyze consumer trends and develop targeted campaigns. The second most important area for the introduction of AI is manufacturing (28%), where companies increase their efficiency through the optimization of production processes and automation. The third area is logistics (21%). Here, artificial intelligence is particularly used in the optimization of delivery routes and inventory management. 73 percent of companies using AI are already seeing improvements in their own efficiency, highlighting that businesses that adapt quickly to technological change will remain competitive.

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