The farmers in Zala county expect 7 million tons of average yield for maize

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2017. 10. 16. 11:35

Seven tons per hectare average yield of maize is expected in Zala County, where nearly 10 percent of the crop is harvested – the county president of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told MTI.

Maize was harvested on 3,000 hectares out of the 34,700 hectares of land, with an average yield of 6.7 tons. Almost 95 percent of the sunflower was harvested, with an average yield of 2.5 tons per hectare on the 8.5 thousand hectares Süle Katalin said.

The quality of the crop is good. It is more favorable than last year, she added. (MTI)