Exposure doesn’t sway consumers to plant-based meat

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2023. 12. 05. 09:05

A new study from Appetite suggests companies must adopt creative strategies to broaden their consumer base.

Increased consumption of plant-based meats may not directly lead to a more positive sentiment higher fondness for the products, according to a new study in the international journal Appetite, which specializes in cultural influences on the selection and intake of foods and drinks. Instead, the context of how the altneratives are used could matter more

The study examined how consumers prepare plant-based meats at home and whether that influences perception of these items. Around 60 participants with meat-heavy diets prepared, consumed and evaluated two plant-based meat meals a week for four weeks — one from a meal kit, one self-created.

Although consumer acceptance didn’t change with repeated consumption of plant-based meat, it did vary based on the recipes and cuisine styles used. The context of how plant-based foods were used mattered both for meal boxes and self-created recipes.

Food Dive

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