Unutilised workforce
In 2021 the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) teamed up with the National Association of Tourism and Hospitality Employers (VIMOSZ) to implement a GINOP project for fostering atypical employment.

Károly Zerényi
presidential advisor
MVI’s presidential advisor Károly Zerényi has prepared a report on the preliminary research conducted in the fields of accommodation and hospitality services. From this report we can learn that before the pandemic there were more than 190,000 thousand people working in the sector – 4 percent of the total number of people employed.
Atypical forms of employment aren’t used as widely in the sector as in other European countries: in Hungary less than 10 percent of workers in accommodation and hospitality services were employed this way in 2019, while the European Union’s average was above 30 percent; for instance in Austria this proportion was more than 35 percent. The situation is the same if the proportion of temporary staff and self-employed workforce is considered. //
Atypical employment
Any kind of employment or work can be considered atypical that isn’t done in full time (8 hours a day), at a traditional workplace, with an unlimited work contract. These forms of employment include part-time work, occasional employment, leased workforce, remote work and self-employment.//
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