An award for retailers that popularise Hungarian products
Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. and Trade magazin have established an award for retailers: those can win it who do the most for promoting the sales of Hungarian products (it is the companies that manufacture products with the Hungarian Product trademark who vote). 2018 is the first year when the prize is awarded and the winner will be announced this September, at Trade magazin’s Business Days conference.
Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. and Zsuzsanna Hermann, editor-in-chief of Trade magazine have told: they inform retail chain about the ‘Retailers Award of Excellence for Hungarian Products’ programme in June. Retailers can send the organisers a presentation about how they promoted the sales of products bearing the Hungarian Product trademark in their stores in 2017. Retailers don’t need to register for participation but can get extra points for the presentations. 164 trademark users will cast their votes to decide who wins. //
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