The Dreher family novel is here!
“What depends on me cannot depend on me.” – Anton Dreher’s creed could even be on the family coat of arms, it accompanies his descendants so much.
The main thread is woven and bound by the fate of four men to the present. This is a novel of the magic triangle of talent, perseverance and luck, written against forgetting, about tradition and innovation. And, of course, about women, in an old world dominated by men, whose names are written down in the annals, but whose impact is more decisive than all the cataclysms of the bloody centuries.
The family novel also tells the story of how the Beer King who followed the Founder, the Innovator succeeded him, and the Unifier, who became a loser through no fault of his own, built his special world – ruling one after the other, but relying on the rich legacy of his predecessors.
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