Intelligent lighting control deployed in Lidl stores in France

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2024. 05. 15. 09:18

Lidl partnered with Siemens to make the operation of its stores more sustainable with IoT lighting solutions.

Lidl in France has halved the energy consumption of some of its stores due to lighting. The retail chain has partnered with Siemens France to work together over the past three years to improve the energy efficiency of 13 stores and two logistics facilities.

Multi-function IoT sensors have been installed in the buildings concerned, transmitting real-time data to the lighting control system about the temperature of an area, the amount of sunlight and movements in a particular department. Based on this information, the software can dynamically optimise light levels and turn off lights in unused areas.

Intelligent lighting control, which can even predict user needs, also helps operators to map customer habits, making shopping even more convenient.

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