Gabriella Heiszler: The supplier price of flour and oil is already decreasing

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 02. 01. 12:14

The supplier prices for some foodstuffs, such as flour or sunflower oil, are being reduced. Gabriella Heiszler, managing director of Spar Hungary, talked about the expected changes in the podcast Della.

Heiszler Gabriella
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“Last year’s price shock made customers very aware, essentially, the price decides what they put in their basket, and even the middle class thinks twice about what to buy, especially whether they need the more expensive, more branded product. The parent company is worried the distortions of the Hungarian market, especially the unfavorable, loss-making and investment-reducing effects of sectoral taxes and price caps”

– said the specialist.

The program also discusses whether there are really different quality products on the shelves of Hungarian stores than in other European countries.



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