Cycle: A Hungarian innovation revolutionises the cleaning product market

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2020. 12. 08. 10:48
Vass Zoltán-reNEW

Zoltán Vass
business development director

CYCLE cleaning products are made of wastewater sludge. Our magazine interviewed Zoltán Vass, business development director of the product’s manufacturer, reNEW. He told that Cycle products go one step further than other eco-friendly cleaners, because they are made of biomass that is left over from treating wastewater. There is no other product like this in the world at the moment.

As for the production method, basically the company is using bacteria to turn biomass into recycled water and acidic acid, from which Cycle cleaning products are made. They add a few components such as natural essential oils and non-ionic surface active agents, and the result is a 100-percent natural cleaner that is free from toxic materials. Mr Vass added: it is needless to say that the products are sold in 100-percent rPET bottles.

An independent body attests that CYCLE products have a strong limescale removing effect. Those shoppers buy CYCLE products who live an eco-friendly life and care about their health. In Hungary the products can be found on the shelves of dm and Rossmann stores, in most organic and green product stores plus online. reNEW’s production capacity is big enough to supply every Hungarian household if necessary, but the company is already present in dm, Interspar and Biolindo stores in Austria. Future plans include conquering more foreign markets and launching new innovative cleaning products.

CYCLE körforgásos tisztítószerek


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