Get your LEI code issued by GS1 quickly and efficiently!
The legal entity identifier (LEI) is a 20-character reference code that contains letters and numbers. Since 2014 it has been used to identify at world level legally distinct entities that engage in financial transactions, so that transactions become traceable. For instance banks and insurance companies must have a LEI code, but also export-oriented companies and from 3 January 2018 foundations as well.
GS1 has more than 40 years of experience in global identification – have your LEI code issued by GS1 Hungary. In addition to issuing the code, we make the registration website and forms available in Hungarian, and provide the necessary steps. If you would like to bring your existing LEI code to GS1 because of better conditions, we can help in that too.
Write to us at or call + 36 1 412 39 40 (x)
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