Development at the Kalocsa Fűszerpaprika Zrt.

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2017. 10. 18. 11:12

The Hungarian food industry is one of the industry’s leading sector, so growth is significantly important in this area – Lepsényi István, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) emphasized at a press conference presenting the capacity-enhancing development of the Kalocsa Fűszerpaprika Zrt. – Világgazdaság Online wrote.

The Kalocsa Fűszerpaprika Zrt. is a market leader in pepper production, processing and sales. The Kalocsa-based company won more than 133 million forints non-refundable subsidies through the Enterprise Investment Support Program of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM). The total value of the investment is 267 million forints – said Lepsényi István. (